SC19 January Need to Know: Workshops Open, New Track Added, Reproducibility Enhancements, and Volunteers in Full Swing for Planning

SC News Update January 2019

As computers and networks become faster and enable better science, it is the HPC community that will drive how that science shapes our world. The SC Conference Series has always served as a way to connect the HPC community, and SC19 will be no different. SC19 is about what’s happening in the world of HPC today. This year’s theme is: HPC Is Now.

To keep the HPC community in the loop, each month we will share a blog post summarizing what is happening with SC19, important dates, behind-the-scenes snapshots, and much more. This is the first of many exciting updates!


Workshop Submissions Are Open

As in the past, workshops at SC are half- or full-day events that provide time for focused, in-depth presentations, discussion, interaction, and hands-on activities. Workshops come in three types: (1) workshops centered around published technical papers; (2) workshops centered around panelists and discussion (“mini-symposia”); and (3) workshops for working groups with invited speakers. Identify the right type for your workshop and submit a workshop proposal before February 14.


New Technical Papers Track

Workshops at SC serve as incubators for new ideas and emerging topics in HPC, and recent workshops have highlighted the increasing relevance of machine learning to HPC. Because of this feedback, we have added “Machine Learning and HPC” as a tenth track in the Technical Papers program, along with Algorithms; Applications; Architectures and Networks; Clouds and Distributed Computing; Data Analytics, Visualization, and Storage; Performance Measurement, Modeling, and Tools; Programming Systems; State of the Practice; and System Software. Paper submissions open March 1, and close April 10. Get ready to submit your cutting-edge work to SC19!


Reproducibility Enhancements for the Technical Program

Reproducibility is another topic that has become an integral part of the Technical Program at SC. This year, Artifact Description (AD) Appendices are mandatory for all Technical Paper submissions, while remaining optional for Workshop papers and Posters. Artifact Evaluation (AE) Appendices are optional across the board. To facilitate the submission of your paper’s artifact descriptor, the AD Appendix will be automatically generated based on your answers to a set of questions integrated into the submissions process. Get familiar with the AD format.

What if your paper does not include any experiment or artifact? We still welcome it at SC19. Answer “No” to the first question on the form about whether your paper includes any computational artifacts and continue your submission.


SC19 Volunteer Committee Is in Full Swing for Planning

Finally, we want to shine a light on our SC19 volunteers. Creating a space for over 12,000 attendees to gather successfully doesn’t happen overnight. Many volunteers from the HPC community work together to ensure that each SC experience is special and productive. At the end of this month, over 100 committee volunteers will meet in San Antonio to discuss what went well at SC18 and to lay the groundwork for SC19. After that meeting, SC19 chairs and vice chairs will go on to coordinate the virtual network of SC19 volunteers spread across the globe. Learn more about volunteering with the SC Conference Series.


Stay Up to Date

Keep up with the work of these dedicated volunteers and the development of SC19. Read our blog and visit our website regularly to be part of SC19 and discover how HPC is now!


Michela Taufer, PhD, General Chair, SC19

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Michela Taufer is the Dongarra Professor in the Min H. Kao Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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