SC19 April Need to Know: Precision Health & ‘HPC Is Now’, Job Fair Highlights, Workshops Schedule Coming Soon, Tech Party Reveal, Book Your Hotel May 1

SC News April 2019


April’s Theme: Precision Medicine

Healthcare is becoming increasingly precise in its ability to tackle diseases, especially various manifestations of disease in specific individuals. Sophisticated large-scale analysis supported by HPC is often the backbone of this precision health research, and with that exciting work in mind, we turn our focus for April’s posts to precision medicine.

Keep an eye out on our blog this month for exclusive interviews with luminaries in the field. Without giving away too much ahead of time, I can tell you that we’ll hear from two scientists doing groundbreaking work: Rick Stevens of Argonne National Laboratory is developing the CANDLE architecture to help address key cancer challenges based on a much wider assortment of data than is currently used, and Amber Simpson of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is focusing on a combination of surgical navigation with biomedical data integration.


HPC Needs Talent … That’s You!

Whether in precision medicine or any of the other fields that increasingly rely on HPC to get the job done, there is a growing demand for talent. For this reason, SC19 is emphasizing the Job Fair for students and post-docs. This year, when you walk into the fair, you will feel like you are walking into a city apart from the hustle and bustle of the conference. Street signs will guide you to the companies in attendance; small “suites” will provide quiet places for students to have engaging conversations with potential employers; and data collection technology will make sharing information with organizations you are interested in effortless. Students and post-docs can start thinking about their resume now and recruiters can begin reserving tables in July.


SC Volunteer Committee Update: Papers and Workshops

Volunteers on the Papers committee are gearing up to cull through your abstract submissions. For those of you who submitted, we wish you the best of luck for your full submissions, which are due on April 10.

Workshops may have been chosen already, but the committee is still in full swing organizing next steps. Right now, Workshops co-Chairs, Sunita Chandrasekaran and Guido Juckeland, are working with organizers of accepted workshops to confirm their participation, which is the final step before we will be able to post the schedule online. Workshops will be the first events in our online schedule and will be available shortly!

Workshops Word Cloud

One upgrade the Workshops committee is making this year is providing organizers with access to Linklings for collecting and reviewing their papers. Haven’t used Linklings before? Never fear! A ‘Linklings 101’ webinar will be held for all accepted workshops. Stay tuned to your email and SC19 social media for the training date.

For those of you who enjoy our behind-the-scenes stats, here are some the Workshops committee passed along:

  • 36 workshops have been accepted (25 full-day and 11 half-day).
  • 18 of those workshops have international participation with one or multiple organizers from countries outside the US. We are proud that SC is an increasingly global community!
  • 18 workshops also have one or multiple organizers who are female, which we believe confirms the growing leadership of women in HPC.


Tech Party Reveal

If you keep up with us each month, you’re probably waiting for the big reveal I promised in March. Well, here it is: The SC19 Technical Program Reception will be held at the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum! We will have something for everyone at the museum. Over 50 iconic aircraft will be on display; the most realistic flight simulator in Colorado will be available for test driving; and our caterers are setting up a special adventure where your taste buds can fly through various tapas and desserts of cuisines from around the world. We are very excited to greet our tech program participants and exhibitors at such an exciting venue on Thursday night, November 21.


Stay in the Know with SC19

Stay tuned to this monthly update for more tidbits as we move closer to SC19. And if you missed March’s other blog posts, it’s worth your time to take a peek at SC volunteer Verónica Vergara Larrea’s cool day job helping to ensure the stability of Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s Summit Supercomputer; Rocío Carratalá-Sáez’s first-year student volunteer experience; Meiru Hao’s experience participating in the Student Cluster Competition; and why people who care about SC should care about SIGGRAPH (and vice versa). You can get up-to-the-minute blog and deadline updates throughout the month by following us on social media (access SC’s channels via the footer links).


Windows of Opportunity Closing


Windows of Opportunity Opening



Michela Taufer, PhD, General Chair, SC19

SC19 logo

Michela Taufer is the Dongarra Professor in the Min H. Kao Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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