Month: April 2019
Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and perspectives on topics related to SC and the upcoming conference throughout the year. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.
SCinet Seeks Network Research Exhibition Proposals for Cutting-Edge Network Demos and Experiments at SC19
The May 31, 2019 Deadline for Abstracts Is Fast Approaching SC19, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking Storage, and Analysis, welcomes Network Research Exhibition (NRE) submissions for the November event in Denver, Colorado. If you are a leader in high performance networking, submit a proposal to the SCinet NRE. Submissions are open to …
A Personal Best at Computing4Change in 2018: Thomas Johnson III
Meet Thomas For Thomas Johnson III, Computing4Change (C4C) notched a win in his personal playbook in 2018. While intellect (even, savoir-faire) may be the most likely reason that Thomas Johnson III was selected to participate in SIGHPC’s 2018 Computing4Change competition, his positive attitude and great sense of humor may have been equally influential. In his …
From SC Papers to Student Cluster Competition Benchmarks: Joining Forces to Promote Reproducibility in HPC
The tradition of collaboration between the Technical Program and Students@SC is stronger than ever at SC19. This year we mark the fourth Reproducibility Challenge in the Student Cluster Competition (SCC) that brings together these two conference components to select a paper from SC18 and adapt its artifacts to become one of the SC19 SCC benchmarks. …
Tales of a First-Time SCinet Volunteer: Hussein Al-Azzawi
Meet Hussein Hussein Al-Azzawi, a network and storage specialist and doctorate student at The University of New Mexico, has been an SC conference attendee every year since 2014. In 2018, he applied to become a student volunteer for the first time and was accepted into the SCinet program, where participated in the Fiber, Wide-Area Network …
Expert Insights: The State of Biomedical Research and HPC
The Pace of Innovation Life sciences and healthcare research, also referred to as biomedical research, is one of the fastest-paced and most directly impactful fields of science for people today. In the last 10 years, our knowledge of biology, the human body, and when and how diseases arise has increased exponentially. One of the …
Cancer Research and HPC: Advancing Science to Save Lives
While the death rate from cancer has declined significantly over the past two decades, 17 million new cases of cancer were reported, worldwide, in 2018. And 9.5 million people died from the disease.1 Researchers around the globe are working steadily to identify new methods for detecting and treating all forms of cancer. And high-performance computing …
HPC Is Right. HPC Is Now. Five Pressing Questions with Dr. Lin Gan
Dr. Lin Gan is an SC conference success story on repeat. In 2016, he was part of the 12-person team awarded the Gordon Bell Prize for developing a solver used to understand fluid dynamics created specifically for improving weather simulations.1 Their solver could successfully scale the entire Chinese-built Sunway TaihuLight system, the fastest supercomputer in …
SC19 April Need to Know: Precision Health & ‘HPC Is Now’, Job Fair Highlights, Workshops Schedule Coming Soon, Tech Party Reveal, Book Your Hotel May 1
April’s Theme: Precision Medicine Healthcare is becoming increasingly precise in its ability to tackle diseases, especially various manifestations of disease in specific individuals. Sophisticated large-scale analysis supported by HPC is often the backbone of this precision health research, and with that exciting work in mind, we turn our focus for April’s posts to precision …
Parallel Tracks: Advancing a Career While Helping Move the SC Conference Forward
Sally Ellingson Finds Professional and Personal Growth Since she attended her first SC conference as a participant in the Broader Engagement program at SC10 in New Orleans, Sally Ellingson has launched her professional career while also taking on leadership roles with student-focused programs at the conference. Such programs are aimed at helping students both while …
On the Front Lines of the White House AI Initiative
Lynne Parker, Assistant Director for Artificial Intelligence at The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, has been at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) for more than two decades. Hers was the first PhD dissertation ever on the topic of multi-robot systems, she is a pioneering researcher in that field, and formed the …