SC19 May Need to Know: Hotel Blocks Open Now, Student Opportunity Deadlines Approaching, Nominate the Best in HPC, Paper Selection Under Way
It’s Time to Find a Place to Stay
Hotel block access opened May 1 and rooms will go fast. Book yours today! Note that onPeak is the only authorized contractor for arranging hotel rooms for SC19. If you are contacted by travel agents or other organizations who say they are speaking on behalf of SC19, be wary. The best way to avoid potential problems with your reservation is to use the onPeak reservation system.
Students: Launch Your Future at SC19
SC provides many opportunities for students because we know that the students of today are the HPC gurus of the future. If you are a returning student volunteer, apply by May 24 to be a lead volunteer for SC19. If chosen, you will be invited to support the committee selecting the other student volunteers. If you haven’t volunteered with SC before or you want to volunteer specifically with SCinet, apply by June 7.
Volunteering at SC is an excellent way for undergrads considering graduate school to network and potentially find their new PhD advisor. And, if you’re graduating soon, don’t forget to sign up for the Job Fair and consider submitting to the Doctoral Showcase. There are tons of opportunities for a career in HPC waiting there for you!
Finally, if you’re a student with cool research to present at SC, be sure to submit your work (in poster format) to the ACM Student Research Competition. Note that there are two different categories for graduate students and undergraduate students. By participating in the ACM Student Research Competition, students are eligible for the following special benefits:
- $500 travel support from ACM
- Win a monetary award if your poster is selected as one of the three best
- Best poster winners can compete with all the winners from other ACM conferences in the Student Research Grand Finale
Tech Paper Committee Working at Full Speed
The Tech Paper Committee received 345 papers (a 20% increase over last year), and the committee is now reviewing those papers. The selection process will include a face-to-face meeting in June in Atlanta where more than 250 volunteer reviewers will meet over two days to choose the papers that will build the SC19 program.
Nominate the Brightest for Seymour Cray, Sidney Fernbach, and Ken Kennedy Awards
We all have colleagues who have done tremendously impactful work in the HPC community. Some of these people may even be a mentor or a role model to us. Take some time and consider nominating these individuals for the Seymour Cray, Sidney Fernbach, or Ken Kennedy Awards.
- The Seymour Cray Award recognizes innovative contributions to high performance computing systems that best exemplify the creative spirit demonstrated by Seymour Cray.
- The Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award is presented annually to an individual for “an outstanding contribution in the application of high-performance computers using innovative approaches.”
- The Ken Kennedy Award recognizes those in our community with outstanding contributions to programmability or productivity in high performance computing together with significant community service or mentoring contributions.
You have time until June 30, 2019 to nominate the best in our community.
Stay in the Know
We have more and more to share with you on the blog as SC19 comes closer. The month of April alone brought ten new posts about program deadlines and opportunities; reproducibility, volunteers, and other interesting figures and topics in the HPC field. You can get up-to-the-minute blog and deadline updates throughout the month by following us on social media (See social links in footer).
Windows of Opportunity
- Hotel reservations opened May 1
- ACM/IEEE-CS Ken Kennedy Award nominations close June 1
- IEEE-CS Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award nominations close June 1
- IEEE-CS Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award nominations close June 1
- ACM SIGHPC Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing Award (EWL/TC) nominations close June 30
- Research Posters; ACM Student Research Posters for Undergraduate and Graduate Students; Doctoral Showcase; Scientific Visualization; Birds of a Feather submissions close June 30
- IEEE-CS TCHPC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in HPC nominations close August 15
Michela Taufer, PhD, General Chair, SC19
Michela Taufer is the Dongarra Professor in the Min H. Kao Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.