Month: July 2019
Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and perspectives on topics related to SC and the upcoming conference throughout the year. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.
SC19 July Need to Know: Registration Opens July 11; Preparations Under Way to Announce Full Schedule; Welcoming Families at SC19; Student Opportunities
Summer is heating up, and so are our preparations for SC19! We are just over halfway to the event and getting excited to break new records this year in Denver. Register for SC19 on July 11 and Save When you register for SC19, you’re gaining the opportunity to hear from and converse with the …
Add Tutorials to Your Sunday and Monday Schedule at SC19
Every year the SC conference creates a competitive package of tutorials to introduce SC attendees to traditional and emerging topics in HPC. This year, 23 full-day and 14 half-day tutorials were selected by the Tutorials Committee, continuing the SC tradition of offering one of the largest tutorials programs of any HPC conference. Tutorials are an …
High Performance Systems: An “Open Plan” for HPC
Gray Area Between Computing Paradigms One of the things that I spend a lot of time thinking about is the gray area between computing paradigms — especially with the rise of what I like to call “generally specialized computing”. Whether you spend your time on campus networks, in the cloud, mining cryptocurrencies, enabling smart cities, …
WIN-ning Women Selected for Women in IT Networking at SC
Enabling Growth The Women in IT Networking at SC program, better known as WINS, was created to remedy the vast gender gap in Information Technology, particularly in network engineering and high-performance computing. When the program started in 2015, 13.93% of SC professional volunteers were women. By 2017, the number climbed to 20.97%. This upward trend …
Announcing SC19 Invited Speakers: The Translational Impact of HPC in All Areas of Science and Society
HPC is playing an increasingly important role in transforming science and society and has become an important catalyst for insight, discovery, and innovation. Complementing the SC19 conference theme, “HPC is Now!”, the SC19 Invited Talks program brings together 12 leading researchers whose talks will highlight the translational impact of HPC in all areas of …
Early Career HPC Professionals: Don’t Miss This Opportunity to Connect and Grow at SC19
Who Is the Early Career Program For? The Early Career Program (ECP) is designed for early career researchers in their first five years of academic, industry, or government positions, including postdocs. ECP provides activities designed to jump start or boost early HPC careers. The program is for participants already planning to attend SC19 and requires …