Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and perspectives on topics related to SC and the upcoming conference throughout the year. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.

SC19 Announces Keynote Speaker Dr. Steven Squyres: Exploring the Solar System with the Power of Technology

SC19 Keynote Dr. Steven Squyres Cornell University     Computing Power and Innovation Guide the Way Between 2004 and 2018, mankind spent more than 5,600 cumulative days exploring Mars—yet the principal investigator on those missions never needed a spacesuit. That’s because Spirit and Opportunity, NASA’s two Mars rovers, were guided by the computing power that

How International Students Navigate Funding and the SC Application Process

Students participating in SC face logistical challenges ranging from funding to the applications process and navigating the hundreds of exhibits in the exhibition hall. Three students from last year’s conference explain how their professors helped inform them of opportunities, write recommendations letters and secure funding. They also discuss the benefits of their participation such as

SC19 August Need to Know: Smart Cities, ToTA Announcement, Tech Papers in the Schedule, Exhibitor Opportunities, Support for Student Travel

Smart Cities: Computing at the Edge You’ve probably heard the hype around connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), but do you know how much of a role HPC plays in making dreams of self-driving cars into reality? Or how researchers in the fields of edge computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and big data

Autonomous Vehicles and HPC: Moving Quickly Beyond the Hype

Few technological innovations in recent years have generated more attention (and debate) than the seemingly imminent arrival of self-driving cars. Known within the industry as connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), these once-futuristic concepts edge ever closer to reality – and when they do become deployed at Level 4 or higher on the Level of Automation

Visionary GPU Architecture Paper Wins SC19 Test of Time Award

There are SC papers that become milestones; their contributions end up defining and driving the research of many. These papers often go on to win the Test of Time Award (ToTA). We are pleased to announce the selection of the SC08 paper, “Benchmarking GPUs to Tune Dense Linear Algebra”, by Vasily Volkov (NVIDIA) and James

A Pair of Passionate HPC Professionals Connect and Create Magic Through SC

Charles Powell is a dedicated physics and science teacher at Green Mountain High School in Lakewood, a suburb west of Denver. Six years ago, he was chosen to be a pilot teacher for AP Computer Science Principles at a time when only 40 schools were selected to implement this program. Powell also was president of

HPC Is Right Now: Q&A with the Esteemed Amanda Randles on HPC and Biomedical Research

When a person who has been lauded as an “outstanding young computer professional of the year” is just as adept in biomedical engineering, math, and applied physics, you have the makings of a unique achiever with transformational potential. Actually, you have Amanda Randles. Randles, currently the Alfred Winborne and Victoria Stover Mordecai Assistant Professor of

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