SC19 October Need to Know: Early Bird Registration Deadline; Hotel Additions; Student Headquarters; SCC Reproducibility Challenge; SC Store and Collectables
Six Weeks to Register, Two Weeks to Save, and More Hotels
SC19 will be happening in just six short weeks! Our volunteers and presenters are excited to share everything we’ve been working hard to put together for the HPC community. Register on or before Wednesday, October 16 to save, but know that you can still register for SC online until the event begins or on-site. And if your favorite hotel was not available the last time you checked, you should scan the hotel list once more – we’ve added new rooms close to the convention center.
New Student Headquarters for All Students at SC19
Once there was a simple office where only student volunteers gathered between events. Now, we have created the Student Headquarters – a space for all registered SC19 students to relax, meet with friends, work together on presentations, and meet with mentors. The Student Headquarters will have whiteboards, card and board games, a ping pong table, comfortable seats, and a large display. Make sure to visit room 110-112 anytime Sunday–Thursday, 8 am–6 pm or Friday, 8 am–12:30 pm.
Recognizing Rising Stars in HPC at SC19
There are several awards that are assigned during SC19 and announced just before the conference. The Technical Consortium on High Performance Computing (TCHPC) Early Career Researchers Award for Excellence in High Performance Computing is one of them, and it is also one of my favorites because it recognizes up to three colleagues who have just graduated and have already made outstanding, influential, and potentially long-lasting contributions in HPC. This year, IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) selected Yufei Ding of University of California at Santa Barbara, Xu Liu of College of William & Mary, and Guillaume Aupy Pallez of Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest and the University of Bordeaux. Join me to celebrate these three colleagues and other talents at the SC19 Award Ceremony on Thursday November 21, 12:15 pm in Mile High Ballroom.
SCC Reproducibility Challenge Outcomes Coming Soon in ParCo Special Issue
The Reproducibility Challenge results of the Student Cluster Competition (SCC) teams at SC18 are available in a virtual special issue of the Parallel Computing Journal (ParCo). This is the third special issue of its kind, highlighting the best SCC reports and chronicling the reproducibility challenges during SC16, SC17, and now SC18. These must-have reports for HPC researchers, system administrators, performance experts, and students will be open to the public in November. Make sure to visit the ParCo webpage during the month of November to view the special issue and go by the SCC booth on the exhibit floor to cheer the students who are tackling the SC19 Reproducibility Challenge.
Snag the Best Swag; New Collectors Item Available
Past SC attendees know that part of the joy of the conference is searching out the best swag. You can find great giveaways on the Exhibits show floor, but we think nothing beats the SC19 branded items. Those can – mostly – only be found at the SC Store.
Take your pick of SC19 and “HPC Is Now” branded soft fleece jackets, long and short sleeve t-shirts, sweatshirts, stainless steel water bottles, coffee mugs, and of course, a cute stuffed animal to bring home to family and friends! And if that isn’t enough to choose from, we’ve added a new item for your collection of SC memorabilia: SC19 socks!
And don’t forget to grab your free water bottle located in a box in front of registration on the way to your SC19 sessions! You’ll need to stay hydrated since Denver is situated at a “mile high” – exactly 1609.3 meters above sea level.
See You in Denver!
The final march to SC19 will be a busy one, so this will be the last general update blog you’ll see. This year as SC19 General Chair has been immensely special to me, and I look forward to seeing the community in action in November.
Michela Taufer, PhD, General Chair, SC19
Michela Taufer is the Dongarra Professor in the Min H. Kao Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Tickle College of Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.