Obtain a receipt for your SC19 registration
Registration for SC19 Is Closed
We want to make your registration process smooth and easy. Before you register, review the steps below, so you can select the best registration package for your schedule and budget.
Step 1: Membership in ACM, IEEE, or SIGHPC
Are you an ACM, IEEE, or SIGHPC member? With a membership in any of these societies you will receive a substantial discount on your SC conference registration. For example, members can save up to $400 over non-members by registering on or before October 16, 2019 for the Technical Program.
Follow the links below for information on membership and an online application.
Step 2: Registration Categories and Fees
We hope you can attend each day of the conference, but if your time is limited we have registration packages for specific activities and days. All registration categories include access to the HPC Is Now Plenary, Keynote, and Panels (Friday only).
Technical Program (TP)
Provides you access to most SC conference activities.
Registration fees:
EARLY (on or before 10/16/2019) |
LATE (10/17/2019–11/15/2019) |
ON-SITE (begins 11/16/2019) |
Member | $525 | $725 | $800 |
Non-Member | $650 | $900 | $950 |
Student Member | $225 | $275 | $325 |
Student Non-Member or Retired | $275 | $325 | $375 |
- Awards (Tue–Wed)
- Awards Ceremony (Thu)
- Birds of a Feather (Tue–Thu)
- Doctoral Showcase Presentations (Thu)
- Early Career (Mon)
- Exhibitor Forum (Tue–Thu)
- Exhibits (Tue–Thu)
- Grand Opening Gala Reception (Mon)
- HPC Impact Showcase (Tue-Thu)
- HPC Is Now Plenary (Mon)
- Invited Talks (Tue–Thu)
- Keynote (Tue)
- Panels (Tue–Fri)
- Papers (Tue–Thu)
- Posters Display (Tue–Thu)
- Posters Reception (Tue)
- Research Posters Presentations (Wed)
- Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase Presentations (Wed)
- Student Cluster Competition (Mon–Thu)
- Technical Program Reception (Thu)
- One copy of the SC19 Proceedings
Tutorials (TUT)
Add Tutorials to your Technical Program registration or attend Tutorials only. One-day and two-day passes are available.
Registration fees:
Sunday AND Monday
EARLY (on or before 10/16/2019) |
LATE (10/17/2019–11/15/2019) |
ON-SITE (begins 11/16/2019) |
Member | $675 | $925 | $950 |
Non-Member | $850 | $1,150 | $1,200 |
Student Member | $200 | $275 | $300 |
Student Non-Member or Retired | $200 | $275 | $300 |
Sunday OR Monday
EARLY (on or before 10/16/2019) |
LATE (10/17/2019–11/15/2019) |
ON-SITE (begins 11/16/2019) |
Member | $425 | $600 | $625 |
Non-Member | $550 | $750 | $775 |
Student Member | $125 | $175 | $200 |
Student Non-Member or Retired | $125 | $175 | $200 |
Note: There is no half-day Tutorials option.
- HPC Is Now Plenary (Mon)
- Keynote (Tue)
- Panels (Friday only)
- Tutorial Lunch (Sun and/or Mon)
- Tutorials (Sun and/or Mon)
- Electronic access to all tutorial notes
Preferred Tutorials:
For each registered day, you must select one preferred full-day tutorial or two half-day tutorials. Regardless of your preference, you may attend any tutorial(s) on the day for which you registered.
Workshops (W)
Add Workshops to your Technical Program registration, or attend Workshops only. Workshops are held Sunday, Monday, and Friday. Your Workshops registration includes all three days.
Registration fees:
Add to your Technical Program registration
Member | $90 |
Non-Member | $90 |
Student Member | $40 |
Student Non-Member or Retired | $40 |
Without Technical Program registration
Member | $200 |
Non-Member | $200 |
Student Member | $100 |
Student Non-Member or Retired | $100 |
- HPC Is Now Plenary (Mon)
- Keynote (Tue)
- Panels (Friday only)
- Workshops (Sun, Mon, Fri)
Exhibitor 24-hour Access (EX)
A registration option for exhibitors who are not registering for the Technical Program.
Registration fees:
Member | $100 |
Non-Member | $100 |
Note: Exhibitor 24-hour Access registration is arranged through the designated exhibitor contact.
- Awards Ceremony (Thu)
- Birds of a Feather (Tue–Thu)
- Exhibitor Forum (Tue–Thu)
- Exhibitor Reception (Sun)
- Exhibits (Tue–Thu)
- Grand Opening Gala Reception (Mon)
- HPC Impact Showcase (Tue–Thu)
- HPC Is Now Plenary (Mon)
- Keynote (Tue)
- Panels (Friday only)
- Posters Display (Tue–Thu)
- Student Cluster Competition (Mon–Thu)
Job Fair for students and post-docs:
Exhibitors may also register for the student/post-doc Job Fair. See information at Students@SC.
Exhibits Hall Only (EXH)
See over 350 exhibitors in the Exhibits Hall.
Registration fee: $150
Available on-site only.
- Awards Ceremony (Thu)
- Birds of a Feather (Tue–Thu)
- Exhibitor Forum (Tue–Thu)
- Exhibits (Tue–Thu)
- HPC Impact Showcase (Tue–Thu)
- HPC Is Now Plenary (Mon)
- Keynote (Tue)
- Panels (Friday only)
- Posters Display (Tue–Thu)
- Student Cluster Competition (Mon–Thu)
- Grand Opening Gala Reception (Mon) tickets available on-site at the SC19 Conference Store: $100
Step 3: Register!
Reduce the price of attending the conference with early registration and/or membership in ACM, IEEE, or SIGHPC. Please note that conference attendees, exhibitors, and members of the media will each have their own registration link.
All media registration requests must be approved by conference management and are subject to revocation.
Additional Information
Child Policy
All attendees under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent, teacher, or adult who has undergone a background check. For full information see the IEEE Activities with Children policy.
All children (of any age) must be registered at the Special Assistance desk in the registration area. Access policies differ according to the age of the child and the particular conference venue involved. Children under 12 are not permitted in the Exhibits Hall, except during Family Day (Wednesday, November 20 from 4–6 pm). Children ages 12–16 are permitted inside the Exhibits Hall, provided they are accompanied by an adult at all times and have their own Exhibits Hall Only pass. No children under 16 years of age may be in the Exhibits Hall during set-up or tear-down. View our full policies and procedures on the Family Resources page.
Child care services, provided by KiddieCorp, are available in the convention center to registered attendees and exhibitors. For a small fee, children between the ages of 6 months and 12 years can participate.
On-Site Child Care Registration
Visa Letter Instructions
Our international visitors should give special attention to visa requirements and make travel plans well in advance. For additional visa information visit the International Attendee page.
To streamline the visa letter process you must:
- First register for SC19 and pay in full.
- Return to the Registration section of the website and sign in using your registration ID and the email address you used to register.
- Click on “Print a Visa Letter of Invitation” to print your letter.
If you have any questions regarding visa letters, please contact SC19 Registration.
Hotel reservations opened April 1, 2019. More information can be found on the SC19 Housing page.
Student Volunteer Registration
Student volunteer registration is only available through the Student Volunteers Chair. For information, see Student Volunteers.
Job Fair (For Students and Post-Docs Only)
Exhibitors and other organizations may participate in the Job Fair. Registration information may be found here.
We look forward to seeing you in Denver!