Exhibitor Forum
Adding Low Latency Capability to Panasas PanFS for AI and HPC
Event Type
Exhibitor Forum
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TimeTuesday, 19 November 20191:30pm - 2pm
DescriptionNeural networks are bringing low-latency requirements to HPC environments, but even traditional HPC workloads are changing. Mixed workloads containing small files are increasing in importance.

Commodity platforms are now available for the underlying hardware layers for cost-effective hybrid (HDD plus SSD) and low-latency NVMeoF flash tiers. The challenge is in the software architecture for storing and managing content on, and across, those tiers in a way that will consistently meet the performance, cost, reliability, and ease-of-use needs of both HPC and AI workloads.

In this talk, we will explore the drivers and constraints on the architectural approaches we might take to add low-latency capabilities to the Panasas PanFS filesystem.
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