High Performance Computing for Numerical Weather Prediction at The Weather Company
Event Type
HPC Impact Showcase
TimeTuesday, 19 November 20191:30pm - 2pm
DescriptionThe Weather Company (TWC), an IBM Business, is using HPC to run the world’s first weather prediction system that provides global, rapidly-updating weather forecasts at a very high resolution. The system, referred to as IBM GRAF (Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Forecast System) is driven by MPAS, a global numerical weather prediction system developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
This presentation will describe how a cluster of IBM AC922 servers enables these weather forecasts to be run globally, yet still predict events as local as thunderstorms, with forecasts being updated every hour. In order to exploit the capabilities of the high-performance cluster, MPAS was ported to run very efficiently on hundreds of interconnected CPUs and GPUs. Further, the presentation will show how output derived from the weather prediction system is used to aid decision-making in business areas such as commercial aviation, energy, and agriculture.
This presentation will describe how a cluster of IBM AC922 servers enables these weather forecasts to be run globally, yet still predict events as local as thunderstorms, with forecasts being updated every hour. In order to exploit the capabilities of the high-performance cluster, MPAS was ported to run very efficiently on hundreds of interconnected CPUs and GPUs. Further, the presentation will show how output derived from the weather prediction system is used to aid decision-making in business areas such as commercial aviation, energy, and agriculture.