Stellar Collisions at the Limits of HPC
Event Type
Invited Talk
Computational Physics
Scientific Computing
Scientific Workflows
TimeWednesday, 20 November 201910:30am - 11:15am
LocationMile High Ballroom
DescriptionStellar explosions, outbursts, jets, nebulae, and the emission of gravitational waves are all phenomena that happen on very short timescales of seconds to days. Traditionally astronomers have been taking pictures that, beautiful as they were, only observed tiny patches of a vast sky at specific moments in time. This is no longer the case, as astronomers have learned how to make whole sky movies. With these we have discovered a huge range of transient phenomena, and we have realized that we cannot explain them. 3D hydrodynamic simulations are one of the techniques used to determine the underlying mechanisms of this zoo of stellar interactions from supernovae to merging black holes. I will talk about what 3DHD can give us, the techniques that we use (adaptive mesh, smooth particles hydrodynamics or moving mesh), the limitations they all have (lack of scalability), and possible solutions.