Career Panel Kick-Off: Doug Kothe, Delivering on the Exascale Computing Project Mission for the U.S. Department of Energy
Event Type
Registration Categories
Student Program
Workforce Development
TimeSunday, 17 November 20198:45am - 9:15am
DescriptionWe invite all students to attend the Students@SC Keynote talk given by Doug Kothe, the Director of the US Department of Energy (DOE) Exascale Computing Project (ECP). The Exascale Computing Project was initiated in 2016 to accelerate innovation with exascale simulation and data science solutions that enhance U.S. economic competitiveness, strengthen our national security, and change our quality of life.

ECP’s mission is to deliver exascale-ready applications and solutions that address currently intractable problems of strategic importance and national interest; create and deploy an expanded and vertically integrated software stack on DOE HPC exascale and pre-exascale systems, thereby defining the enduring US exascale ecosystem; and leverage U.S. HPC vendor research activities and products into DOE HPC exascale systems.

Join us for this exciting talk to hear about DOE’s path to exascale.
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