Poster 66: Hybrid CPU/GPU FE2 Multi-Scale Implementation Coupling Alya and Micropp
SessionResearch Posters Display
Event Type
Research Posters
TimeThursday, 21 November 20198:30am - 5pm
LocationE Concourse
DescriptionThis poster exposes the results of a new implementation of the FE2 multi-scale algorithm that is achieved by coupling the multi-physics and massively parallel code Alya with the GPU-based code micropp. The coupled code is mainly designed to solve large scale and realistic composite material problems for the aircraft industry. Alya is responsible of solving the macro-scale equations and micropp for solving the representation of fibres at the microscopic level. The poster shows computational performance results that demonstrate that the technique is scalable for real size industrial problems and also how the execution time is dramatically reduced
using GPU-based clusters.
using GPU-based clusters.