Research Posters
Poster 53: Unstructured Mesh Technologies for Fusion Simulations
Event Type
Research Posters
Registration Categories
TimeThursday, 21 November 20198:30am - 5pm
LocationE Concourse
DescriptionMultiple unstructured mesh technologies are needed to define and execute plasma physics simulations. The domains of interest combine model features defined from physical fields within 3D CAD of the tokamak vessel with an antenna assembly, and 2D cross sections of the tokamak vessel. Mesh generation technologies must satisfy these geometric constraints and additional constraints imposed by the numerical models. Likewise, fusion simulations over these domains study a range of timescales and physical phenomena within a tokamak.

XGCm studies the development of plasma turbulence in the reactor vessel, GITRm studies impurity transport, and PetraM simulations model RF wave propagation in scrape off layer plasmas. GITRm and XGCm developments are using the PUMIpic infrastructure to manage the storage and access of non-uniform particle distributions in unstructured meshes on GPUs. PetraM combines PUMI adaptive unstructured mesh control with MFEM using CAD models and meshes defined with Simmetrix tools.
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