An Approach for Indirectly Adopting a Performance Portability Layer in Large Legacy Codes
Event Type
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Parallel Programming Languages, Libraries, and Models
TimeFriday, 22 November 20199:20am - 9:35am
DescriptionDiversity among supported architectures in current and emerging high performance computing systems, including those for exascale, makes portable codebases desirable. Portability of a codebase can be improved using a performance portability layer to provide access to multiple underlying programming models through a single interface. Direct adoption of a performance portability layer, however, poses challenges for large pre-existing software frameworks that may need to preserve legacy code and/or adopt other programming models in the future. This paper describes an approach for indirect adoption that introduces a framework-specific portability layer between the application developer and the adopted performance portability layer to help improve legacy code support and long-term portability for future architectures and programming models. This intermediate layer uses loop-level, application-level, and build-level components to ease adoption of a performance portability layer in large legacy codebases. Results are shown for two challenging case studies using this approach to make portable use of OpenMP and CUDA via Kokkos in an asynchronous many-task runtime system, Uintah. These results show performance improvements up to 2.7x when refactoring for portability and 2.6x when more efficiently using a node. Good strong-scaling to 442,368 threads across 1,728 Knights Landing processors are also shown using MPI+Kokkos at scale.
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