Evaluation of Programming Models to Address Load Imbalance on Distributed Multi-Core CPUs: A Case Study with Block Low-Rank Factorization
Event Type
Registration Categories
Parallel Application Frameworks
Parallel Programming Languages, Libraries, and Models
Scalable Computing
TimeSunday, 17 November 201911:50am - 12:10pm
DescriptionTo minimize data movement, many parallel applications statically distribute computational tasks among the processes. However, modern simulations often encounters irregular computational tasks. As a result, load imbalance among the processes must be dealt with at the programming level.

One critical application for many domains is the LU factorization of a large dense matrix stored in the Block Low-Rank (BLR) format. Using the low-rank format can significantly reduce the cost of factorization in many scientific applications, including the boundary element analysis of electrostatic field. However, the partitioning of the matrix based on underlying geometry leads to different sizes of the matrix, thus load imbalance among the processes at each step of factorization.

We use BLR LU factorization as a test case to study the programmability and performance of five different programming approaches: (1) flat MPI, (2) Adaptive MPI (Charm++), (3) MPI + OpenMP, (4) parameterized task graph (PTG), and (5) dynamic task discovery (DTD). The last two versions use a task-based paradigm to express the algorithm; we rely on the PaRSEC runtime system to execute the tasks. We first point out programming features needed to efficiently solve this category of problems, hinting at possible alternatives to the MPI+X programming paradigm. We then evaluate the programmability of the different approaches. Finally, we show the performance result on the Intel Haswell-based Bridges system and analyze the effectiveness of the implementations to address the load imbalance.
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