Accelerating the Performance of Modal Aerosol Module of E3SM Using OpenACC
Event Type
Parallel Application Frameworks
Parallel Programming Languages, Libraries, and Models
Scientific Computing
Software Engineering
TimeMonday, 18 November 201911:30am - 12pm
DescriptionUsing GPUs to accelerate the performance of HPC applications has recently gained great momentum. Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) is a state-of-the-science earth system model development and simulation project and has gained national recognition. It has a large code base with over a million lines of code. How to make effective use of GPUs remains a challenge. In this paper, we use the modal aerosol module (MAM) of E3SM as a driving example to investigate how to effectively offload computational tasks to GPUs, using the OpenACC directives. In particular, we are interested in the performance advantage of using GPUs and understanding the limiting factors from both the application characteristics and the GPU or OpenACC sides.