Jinjun Xiong

Dr. Jinjun Xiong is currently the Program Director for Cognitive Computing Systems Research at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. He founded and co-directs the IBM-Illinois Center for Cognitive Computing Systems Research (, where he conducts cutting-edge AI systems research. He was also a founding PI for the IBM Smarter Energy Research Institute (SERI) with deep collaboration with a number of large electrical utility companies worldwide. Prior to that, the technologies he developed have been implemented inside IBM’s flagship EinsTimer/EinsStat tools, design and test methodologies used for designing multi-generations of IBM’s high-performance ASICs and Processors. He has published more than 100s peer-reviewed international conferences, including top AI conferences and systems conferences. His publication won five Best Paper Awards and eight Nominations for Best Paper Awards. He also led teams to win top awards for various international research competitions.
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