Dr. Liu joined the High-Performance Computing group at the Texas Advanced Computing Center as Research Associate in 2013. He has been collaborating with UT research groups, the XSEDE community, and many corporations on various projects. His current research interests include high-performance computing applications, I/O performance, profiling and benchmark, optimization and operations research, data mining and data analysis, and parallel computing.

During 2009-2013, Dr. Liu worked as a software engineer in Computational Information Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He made important contributions to establishing the Yellowstone Supercomputing system at the NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center, enhancing its performance, and supporting scientific simulation implementation. He also worked as a consultant to provide technical support to scientific computing communities and collaborated with scientists on model development and optimization. He received UCAR's special recognition award in 2011 for his contribution to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Dr. Liu received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2009. His Ph.D. research focused on domain decomposition, numerical linear algebra, and inverse elliptic problems.
Best Practices
Build Systems
HPC Center Planning and Operations
Parallel Application Frameworks
System Testing
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