Oscar Hernandez
Oscar Hernandez has been working in the high-performance computing field for the last ten years. His area of research includes compilers, language design, and high performance tools. Oscar holds a B.S in Physics and Computer and a PhD in computer science in the field of high performance compilers. During his PhD, he drove an open source OpenMP compiler, OpenUH, which serves as a test-bed for OpenMP extensions. He has experience in creating and driving many de facto standards such as OpenACC, OpenSHMEM, UCX and participates with the OpenMP community. At ORNL he works closely with the application teams including the CAAR and INCITE efforts and constantly interacts with them to address their programming models needs via the standards bodies. He is currently working on the programming environment for Summit and works very closely with the vendors on their plans for next-generation programming models. He has worked on many projects funded by DOE, DoD, NSF and Industrial Partners in the Oil & Gas industry.