Thomas Cheatham III
Dr. Thomas Cheatham is a Professor in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry in the College of Pharmacy and also Director of Research Computing and the Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC) at the University of Utah. His research involves large ensembles of biomolecular simulations with the AMBER suite of programs with a focus on RNA. He is involved nationally with a variety of cyberinfrastructure interests including XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment), the Blue Waters Petascale Resource, RMACC (the Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium), ACI-REF (advanced cyberinfrastructure research and education facilitators), and the Campus Research Computing Consortium. At CHPC, beyond broadly supporting research computing on campus, our staff engineer, deploy and operate a diverse set of innovative and cost effective resources ranging from high performance computing, storage and advanced networking, virtualized environments, to protected environments for computing and analyses of restricted data including HIPAA and human genomic data.
Birds of a Feather
Collaborative Environments