Zhengji Zhao is an HPC consultant at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She specializes in supporting materials science and chemistry applications and users at NERSC. She was part of the NERSC7 (Edison, a Cray XC30) procurement, co-leading its implementation team. Additionally, she worked on developing or extending the capability of workloads analysis tools, such as the system performance monitoring with the NERSC SSP benchmarks, the library tracking (ALTD), and the application usage analysis automation. She is also a member of the NERSC application readiness team, helping users port their applications to new platforms. Most recently she has worked on bringing the checkpoint/restart capability to the NERSC workloads, and has also worked (co-PI) on the Berkeley Lab Directed Research and Development project that is designed to demonstrate performance potential of purpose-built architectures as potential future for HPC applications in absence of Moore’s Law.

She has (co)athored more than 30 publications, including the work of developing the reduced density matrix (RDM) method for electronic structure calculations, a highly accurate alternative to wavefunction-based computational chemistry methods, and the award winning development work of the linear scaling 3D fragment (LS3DF) method for large-scale electronic structure calculations (best poster in SC07, and a Gordon Bell award in SC08). She served in the organizing committee for several HPC conference series, such as CUG, SC, IXPUG, etc. She received her Ph.D. in computational physics, and an M.S. in computer science from New York University.
Parallel Application Frameworks
Parallel Programming Languages, Libraries, and Models
Scientific Computing
Software Engineering
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