SC19 Proceedings

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Science and Technology Requirements for Leadership Computing in Open Science

Authors: Dan Stanzione (Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)), Omar Ghattas (University of Texas), Rick Stevens (Argonne National Laboratory), John West (Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC))

Abstract: The NSF in the US has begun a planning process for a National-Scale HPC facility providing roughly an 0.5 – 1.0 exaFLOPS in computing capability. This BoF is one of a series of sessions that will guide the design of this facility. The Texas Advanced Computing Center is seeking input from both the science and technology communities regarding the key capabilities this facility must provide to effectively support large scale open science. The session will begin with a brief discussion of the roadmap for the proposed facility, followed by audience discussion and Q&A to stimulate a broad-based discussion of requirements.

Long Description: Along with the deployment of the Texas Advanced Computing Center's Frontera supercomputer, which debuted on the TOP500 list at #5 in June of this year, the National Science Foundation in the US has also begun planning for an HPC facility providing 10x the computational capability, targeted for the 2024 timeframe. This system will be the premier supercomputer in the world for open science. This birds-of-a-feather is part of a series of requirements gathering sessions that will guide the design of this facility. TACC is seeking input from both the science and technology communities to answer questions such as: what application domains are ready to compute at this scale, and what are their driving applications? What programming and dataflow models are most applicable to the likely user community? Where are the gaps in the capabilities of application codes today and the near- and mid-term problems those codes are used to solve? What operating policies (with respect to storage, job lengths, queue sizes, and so on) are needed to successfully address the needs of the large-scale computing community? The session will begin with a brief discussion of the roadmap for the proposed Leadership-Class Computing Facility, and proceed through audience discussion and Q&A to stimulate a broad-based discussion of requirements.


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