SC19 Proceedings

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

Open OnDemand User Group Meeting

Authors: Alan Chalker (Ohio Supercomputer Center), David Hudak (Ohio Supercomputer Center), Robert Settlage (Virginia Tech), Steve Gallo (State University of New York at Buffalo)

Abstract: Open OnDemand (OOD) is an NSF-funded open-source HPC portal whose goal is to provide an easy way for system administrators to provide web access to their HPC resources and is in use at over 50 HPC centers.

This BoF is meant to be an open discussion amongst members of the OOD community to guide the four year roadmap for OOD. Relevant topics include installation experiences, priority of upcoming features such as authentication and customized workflows, training users, integration with other science gateways, and growing the community. The organizers will give a short presentation, which will be followed by audience discussion.

Long Description: The goal of this BoF is to provide a forum for the Open OnDemand (OOD) community to exchange experiences and best practices, as well as to engage with the project development team.

OOD is an NSF-funded open-source HPC portal whose goal is to provide an easy way for system administrators to provide web access to their HPC resources. It's features include: Plugin-free web experience; Easy file management; Command-line shell access; Job management and monitoring; Graphical desktop environments and applications. Altogether, OOD is extremely relevant to ongoing discussions within the HPC community about user interfaces and science gateways.

OOD is currently installed and running at dozens of academic, governmental and commercial HPC centers, including the University of Utah, Stanford, Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center, Tufts University, University at Buffalo, University of Arizona, Texas A&M, and NorTech, and is actively being evaluated by dozens more. Most of these centers send representatives to the SC series of conferences. In addition, recent RPM activity logs indicate it has been downloaded at 136 unique US locations and 70 unique international locations, demonstrating a global interest in it.

While we haven't previously held a BoF on OOD at an SC Conference, since 2017, we have held multiple well-attended webinars and BoFs at other conferences regarding Open OnDemand, which further demonstrate the interest to the HPC community. For example, the recent webinar in April 2019 had 78 people from a variety of institutions across the country. At the recent PEARC'19 conference in July 2019 we held a similar BoF that had 64 attendees. The agenda for that BoF included a brief overview of OOD for anyone not familiar with it, a summary of the general roadmap, as well as a highlight of some items of note from the community. This was followed by 45 minutes of audience discussion and comments.

This proposed BoF is meant to follow that same general format and be an open discussion to guide the future roadmap for OOD. In following with our previous webinars and BoFs, key outcomes include a summary of the comments and discussion points, which include reports on installation and utilization issues from locations that currently have it installed, as well as a list of feature requests and development priorizations. The initial slides presenting an OOD overview, roadmap summary and items of note will also be posted on our website for review by the community.


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