Authors: Hal FInkel (Argonne National Laboratory), Michael Wong (Codeplay Software Ltd, Khronos Group Inc)
Abstract: After last two year's (SC17, SC18) successful Heterogeneous & Distributed Computing in C++ for HPC BoF, there was popular demand for continuing updates on the progress of adding these capabilities into ISO C++. This includes task dispatch with executors and the property mechanism, data layout, affinity, error handling and Asynchronous execution.
We have also finalized C++20, and this BoF will provide updates on what supports distributed and heterogeneous computing from active participants in the standardization process. We will also look ahead on what is possible for C++20 and for C++23.
Long Description: After last two year`s (SC 17, SC18) successful Heterogeneous & Distributed Computing in C++ for HPC BoF, there was popular demand for continuing updates on the progress of adding these capabilities into ISO C++. We have finalized C++20, and this BoF will provide updates from active participants in the standardization process based on the C++20 Committee Draft that will already be out and reviewed in Belfast C++ Standard meeting just before SC19.
This BoF will pull together similar important leader within ISO C++ Standard that are developing Executors, futures, affinity, error handling, and asynchronous execution as well as key proposals that support our goal, while continuing to poll for audience participation and response, answering key design questions based on the open community question banks that were collected from the audience last year but were not answered due to lack of time:
We will follow a similar format as SC 18 last year:
and SC 17:
These feedback will help us design the best capabilities into future ISO C++ suitable for HPC in addition to the many current languages that pre-date and support this effort that have charted heterogeneous and distributed C++ features (e.g. KoKKos, Raja, SYCL, HPX,, C++AMP, HCC, Boost.Compute, and CUDA). This BoF will address the needs of the HPC community where a number of C++ frameworks have been developed for multi-threaded and distributed applications. The C++11/14/17 international standards have introduced new tools for parallel programming, and the ongoing standardization effort is developing additional features that will enable support for heterogeneous and distributed parallelism in ISO C++ 20/23. This BoF is an ideal place to discuss research in this domain, consolidate usage experience, and share new directions to support new hardware and memory models with the aim of passing that experience to ISO C and C++.
This BoF is targeted to developers of C++ based programming models for exascale research, users and designers of distributed and heterogeneous programming models for C/C++, ISO standard members, and DOE and worldwide research lab members (e.g. CERN, BSC, CSSC) with workloads in C++ looking for a native language solution.
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