Workshop: PAVE: An In Situ Framework for Scientific Visualization and Machine Learning Coupling
Abstract: Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a tool for understanding data at scale. However, this new methodology comes at a cost because ML requires the use of even more HPC resources to generate ML algorithms. In addition to the compute resources required to develop ML algorithms, ML does not sidestep one of the biggest challenges on leading-edge HPC systems: the increasing gap between compute performance and I/O bandwidth. This has led to a strong push towards in situ, processing the data as it is generated, strategies to mitigate the I/O bottleneck. Unfortunately, there are no in situ frameworks dedicated to coupling scientific visualization and ML at scale to develop ML algorithms for scientific visualization.
To address the ML and in situ visualization gap, we introduce PAVE. PAVE is an in situ framework which addresses the data management needs between visualisation and machine learning tasks. We demonstrate our framework with a case study that accelerates physically-based light rendering, path-tracing, through the use of a conditional Generative Adversarial neural Network (cGAN). PAVE couples the training over path-traced images resulting in a generative model able to produce scene renderings with accurate light transport and global illumination of a quality comparable to offline approaches in a more efficient manner.