Network Use Policy
The network resources of SCinet support the activities of the SC Conference. As a user of these services and facilities, you have access to valuable conference materials, and to internal and external networks. Consequently, it is important for you to behave in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner.
Acceptable use means respecting the rights of other network users and the integrity of the physical facilities. If an individual is found to be in violation of the Network Use Policy, the SC Conference will take action, including the restriction and possible revocation of network privileges. Individuals are also subject to federal, state, and local laws governing interactions that occur on the internet.
This document establishes specific requirements for the use of all network resources of SCinet at the SC Conference.
This policy applies to all users of networking resources (wired and wireless) owned or managed by SCinet and the SC Conference, regardless of the ownership of the computer or device connected to the network.
Your Rights and Responsibilities
As an attendee of the SC Conference, SCinet provides you with the availability of wired and wireless networking resources that facilitate access to conference materials and to the internet. You have a reasonable expectation of unobstructed use of these resources, of certain degrees of privacy, and of protection from abuse and intrusion by others sharing these resources.
Acceptable Use
- You are individually responsible for appropriate use of all resources and thus accountable to SCinet and the SC Conference for all use of such resources. You may not enable unauthorized users to access the network.
- You should make a reasonable effort to protect your passwords and privacy, and to secure resources against unauthorized use or access. You must configure hardware and software in a way that reasonably prevents unauthorized users from accessing SCinet in an unauthorized manner.
- You must not attempt to access restricted portions of the network, or connected systems, without appropriate authorization.
- You must not use SCinet in conjunction with the execution of programs, software, processes, or automated transaction-based commands that are intended to disrupt (or that could reasonably be expected to disrupt) other users, or damage or degrade performance of the network.
- Do not use tools that are normally used to assess security or to attack computer systems or networks (e.g., password “crackers,” vulnerability scanners, network sniffers, etc.).
Fair Share of Resources
SCinet expects to maintain an acceptable level of performance and must ensure that frivolous, excessive, or inappropriate use of the resources by anyone does not degrade performance for others. The network is shared, requiring that resources be utilized with consideration for others who also use them. Therefore, the use of any automated processes to gain technical advantage over others is explicitly forbidden.
Adherence with Federal, State, and Local Laws
Attendees of the SC Conference are expected to uphold local ordinances and state and federal law. As a user of SCinet you must:
- Abide by all federal, state, and local laws.
- Abide by all applicable copyright laws and licenses.
- Observe the copyright law as it applies to music, videos, games, images, texts, and other media in both personal use and in production of electronic information. The ease with which electronic materials can be copied, modified, and sent over the internet makes electronic materials extremely vulnerable to unauthorized access, invasion of privacy, and copyright infringement.
- Do not use, copy, or distribute copyrighted works (including, but not limited, to graphics, audio files, videos, trademarks, software, and logos) unless you have a legal right to use, copy, distribute, or otherwise exploit the copyrighted work. Doing so may provide the basis for disciplinary action, civil litigation, and criminal prosecution.
Privacy and Personal Rights
All users of SCinet resources are expected to respect the privacy and personal rights of others.
While the SC Sonference does not generally monitor or limit content of information transmitted on SCinet, it reserves the right to access and review such information under certain conditions. These include: investigating performance deviations, determining if an individual is in violation of this policy or, as may be necessary, to ensure that the SC Conference is not subject to claims of misconduct.
User Compliance
When you use SCinet you agree to comply with this and all other computing-related policies.