Computational Reproducibility at Exascale 2019 (CRE2019)
Session Chairs
Event TypeWorkshop
Scalable Computing
TimeSunday, 17 November 20199am - 12:30pm
DescriptionReproducibility is an important concern in all areas of computation. As such, computational reproducibility is receiving increasing interest from a variety of parties who are concerned with different aspects of computational reproducibility. Computational reproducibility encompasses several concerns including the sharing of code and data, as well as reproducible numerical results which may depend on operating system, tools, levels of parallelism, and numerical effects. In addition, the publication of reproducible computational results motivates a host of computational reproducibility concerns that arise from the fundamental notion of reproducibility of scientific results that has normally been restricted to experimental science.
The workshop addresses issues in reproducibility that arise when computing at exascale. It will include issues of numerical reproducibility as well as approaches and best practices to sharing and running code and the reproducible dissemination of computational results. The workshop is meant to address the scope of the problems of computational reproducibility in HPC in general, and those anticipated as we scale up to exascale machines in the next decade. The participants of this workshop will include government, academic, and industry stakeholders; the goals of this workshop are to understand the current state of the problems that arise, what work is being done to deal with this issues, and what the community thinks the possible approaches to these problem are.
The workshop addresses issues in reproducibility that arise when computing at exascale. It will include issues of numerical reproducibility as well as approaches and best practices to sharing and running code and the reproducible dissemination of computational results. The workshop is meant to address the scope of the problems of computational reproducibility in HPC in general, and those anticipated as we scale up to exascale machines in the next decade. The participants of this workshop will include government, academic, and industry stakeholders; the goals of this workshop are to understand the current state of the problems that arise, what work is being done to deal with this issues, and what the community thinks the possible approaches to these problem are.
9:00am - 9:01am | Computational Reproducibility at Exascale 2019 (CRE2019) | |
9:01am - 9:26am | Reproducibility, Computability, and the Scientific Method Presenter | |
9:26am - 9:43am | Comparing Perturbation Models for Evaluating Stability of Post-Processing Pipelines in Neuroimaging | |
9:43am - 10:00am | Fast, Good, and Repeatable: Summations, Vectorization, and Reproducibility | |
10:00am - 10:30am | CRE2019 Morning Break | |
10:30am - 11:00am | Reproducibility and Provenance of James Webb Space Telescope Data Products Presenter | |
11:00am - 11:20am | Numerical Reproducibility Based on Minimal-Precision Validation | |
11:20am - 11:40am | Reproducibility and Variable Precision Computing Presenter | |
11:40am - 12:30pm | Panel Discussion |