Workshop: Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHPC)
Event TypeWorkshop
Registration Categories
TimeSunday, 17 November 20199am - 5:30pm
DescriptionThe EduHPC Workshop is devoted to the development and assessment of educational resources for undergraduate and graduate education in High Performance Computing (HPC) and Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC). Data science curriculum (e.g. for new degree programs and within data science centers) and topics related to Internet of Things are also in the workshop scope. PDC, HPC, and data science now permeate the world of computing to a degree that makes it imperative for even entry level computer professionals to incorporate these computing modalities into their computing toolboxes, no matter what type of computing problems they work on. This workshop focuses on the state of the art in HPC and PDC education via contributed and invited papers from academia, industry, government laboratories and other educational and research institutions.

Topics of interest include all topics pertaining to the teaching of PDC and HPC within Computer Science and Engineering, Computational Science, and Domain Science and Engineering curricula. The emphasis of the workshop is undergraduate education, but fundamental issues related to graduate education are also welcome. The target audience will broadly include SC19 attendees from academia, industry, and research laboratories. This includes both researchers and educators, as well as the early adopters of the NSF/TCPP curriculum guidelines on teaching PDC ( The workshop is coordinated by the NSF-supported Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources (CDER). EduHPC has been an SC workshop since 2013 with attendance of 75 in both 2016 and 2017 and 70 in 2018.
9:00am - 9:10amWelcome: Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing (EduHPC)
9:10am - 10:00amKeynote: Preparing HPC Education for a Post-Moore Future
10:00am - 10:30amMorning Break
10:30am - 10:31amPaper Session A (Session Chair: Alexandru Iosup)
10:31am - 10:48amTeaching Parallel and Distributed Computing Concepts in Simulation with WRENCH
10:48am - 11:05amA Gentle Introduction to Heterogeneous Computing for CS1 Students
11:05am - 11:22amAssessing the Integration of Parallel and Distributed Computing in Early Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum Using Unplugged Activities
11:22am - 11:30amPaper Session A: Discussions
11:30am - 11:35amLightning Talk Session (Session Chair: Trilce Estrada)
11:35am - 11:40amThe Data Science Journal Club
11:40am - 11:45amExcellence in Computer Engineering Education (EXCEED): Integrating PDC Topics in the ECE Courses at UIUC
11:45am - 11:50amBuilding a Data Science Education Ecosystem Resource Collection
11:50am - 11:55amIncreasing Undergraduate Research in Computational Sciences
11:55am - 12:00pmTeaching and Advising HPC at NTNU
12:00pm - 12:05pmA Jupyter Notebook Based Tool for Building Skills in Computational Statistical Mechanics
12:05pm - 12:10pmHearing Program Behavior with TSAL
12:10pm - 12:15pmParallelism for Beginners with Fun Examples
12:15pm - 12:20pmActionable Guidance for Fresh HPC Researchers
12:20pm - 12:30pmLightning Talk Discussions
12:30pm - 2:00pmLunch Break
2:00pm - 2:20pmIEEE TCPP Curriculum on Parallel and Distributed Computing - an Update
2:20pm - 2:21pmPaper Session B (Session Chair: Katharine Cahill)
2:21pm - 2:38pmTeaching on Demand: an HPC Experience
2:38pm - 2:55pmSuccessful Systems in Production Graduate Teaching
2:55pm - 3:00pmPaper Session B: Discussions
3:00pm - 3:30pmAfternoon Break
3:30pm - 3:31pmPaper Session C (Session Chair: Joel Adams)
3:31pm - 3:48pmTeaching Concurrent and Distributed Programming With Concepts Over Mathematical Proofs
3:48pm - 4:05pmMeasuring the Impact of HPC Training
4:05pm - 4:22pmToward Improving Collaborative Behavior During Competitive Programming Assignments
4:22pm - 4:30pmPaper Session C: Discussions
4:30pm - 4:35pmPeachy Parallel Assignment Session (Session Chair: David Bunde)
4:35pm - 4:40pmAgent-Based Simulation of Fire Extinguishing: an Assignment for OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA/OpenCL
4:40pm - 4:45pmThread-to-Core Optimization Problem
4:45pm - 4:50pmParallel Computing in the Cloud for All Levels
4:50pm - 4:55pmIntroducing Parallel Prefix-Sums Algorithm and Its Applications in an Undergraduate Course
4:55pm - 5:00pmPin Finder
5:00pm - 5:05pmDask Processing and Analytics for Large Datasets
5:05pm - 5:15pmPeachy Parallel Assignment Discussions
5:15pm - 5:30pmBest Paper Announcement and Closing Remarks
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