Posters, Research Posters: Research Posters Display
Event TypePosters, Research Posters
Registration Categories
TimeThursday, 21 November 20198:30am - 5pm
LocationE Concourse
Poster 47: Decomposition Algorithms for Scalable Quantum Annealing
Poster 48: Runtime System for GPU-Based Hierarchical LU Factorization
Poster 49: WarpX: Toward Exascale Modeling of Plasma Particle Accelerators on GPU
Poster 50: Implementing an Adaptive Sparse Grid Discretization (ASGarD) for High Dimensional Advection-Diffusion Problems on Exascale Architectures
Poster 51: SmartK: Efficient, Scalable, and Winning Parallel MCTS
Poster 52: Design and Specification of Large-Scale Simulations for GPUs Using FFTX
Poster 53: Unstructured Mesh Technologies for Fusion Simulations
Poster 54: Massively Parallel Eigensolvers Based on Unconstrained Energy Functionals Methods
Poster 55: MPI+OpenMP Parallelization of DFT Method in GAMESS
Poster 56: Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Approximate Optimization
Poster 57: Progress on the Exascale Transition of the VSim Multiphysics PIC code
Poster 58: Lock-Free van Emde Boas Array
Poster 59: Accelerating BFS and SSSP on a NUMA Machine for the Graph500 Challenge
Poster 60: Massively Parallel Large-Scale Multi-Model Simulation of Tumor Development
Poster 61: Fast 3D Diffeomorphic Image Registration on GPUs
Poster 62: Emulating Multi-Pattern Quantum Grover’s Search on a High-Performance Reconfigurable Computer
Poster 63: Adaptive Execution Planning in Biomedical Workflow Management Systems
Poster 64: 416-PFLOPS Fast Scalable Implicit Solver on Low-Ordered Unstructured Finite Elements Accelerated by 1.10-ExaFLOPS Kernel with Reformulated AI-Like Algorithm: For Equation-Based Earthquake Modeling
Poster 65: Comparing Granular Dynamics vs. Fluid Dynamics via Large DOF-Count Parallel Simulation on the GPU
Poster 66: Hybrid CPU/GPU FE2 Multi-Scale Implementation Coupling Alya and Micropp
Poster 67: Genie: an MPEG-G Conformant Software to Compress Genomic Data.
Poster 68: Linking a Next-Gen Remap Library into a Long-Lived Production Code
Poster 69: Optimization for Quantum Computer Simulation
Poster 70: Numerical Method and Parallelization for the Computation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation
Poster 71: AI-Solver: Uncertainty in Prediction and Error Estimation for AI in Engineering
Poster 72: Kokkos and Fortran in the Exascale Computing Project Plasma Physics Code XGC
Poster 73: Accelerating Large-Scale GW Calculations on Hybrid CPU-GPU Architectures
Poster 74: Enabling Code Portability of a Parallel and Distributed Smooth-Particle Hydrodynamics Application, FleCSPH
Poster 75: libCEED - Lightweight High-Order Finite Elements Library with Performance Portability and Extensibility
Poster 76: HPChain: An MPI-Based Blockchain Framework for High Performance Computing Systems
Poster 77: Extreme Scale Phase-Field Simulations of Sintering Processes
Poster 78: Understanding HPC Application I/O Behavior Using System Level Statistics
Poster 79: The HPC PowerStack: A Community-Wide Collaboration Toward an Energy Efficient Software Stack
Poster 80: Sharing and Replicability of Notebook-Based Research on Open Testbeds
Poster 81: Performance of Devito on HPC-Optimised ARM Processors
Poster 82: A View from the Facility Operations Side on the Water/Air Cooling System of the K Computer
Poster 83: ETL: Elastic Training Layer for Deep Learning
Poster 84: ESTEE: A Simulation Toolkit for Distributed Workflow Execution
Poster 85: Hybrid Computing Platform for Combinatorial Optimization with the Coherent Ising Machine
Poster 86: High-Performance Custom Computing with FPGA Cluster as an Off-Loading Engine
Poster 87: Parallelizing Simulations of Large Quantum Circuits
Poster 88: HPC Container Runtime Performance Overhead: At First Order, There Is None
Poster 89: BeeCWL: A CWL Compliant Workflow Management System
Poster 90: You Have to Break It to Make It: How On-Demand, Ephemeral Public Cloud Projects with Alces Flight Compute Resulted in the Open-Source OpenFlightHPC Project
Poster 91: FreeCompilerCamp: Online Training for Extending Compilers
Poster 92: Nanoporous Flow Simulations on the Summit Supercomputer
Poster 93: Robust Data-Driven Power Simulator for Fast Cooling Control Optimization of a Large-Scale Computing System
Poster 94: Multi-GPU Optimization of a Non-Hydrostatic Numerical Ocean Model with Multigrid Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method
Poster 95: A Heterogeneous HEVC Video Encoder Based on OpenPOWER Acceleration Platform
Poster 96: TSQR on TensorCores
Poster 97: Optimizing Multigrid Poisson Solver of Cartesian CFD Code CUBE
Poster 98: INSPECT Intranode Stencil Performance Evaluation Collection
Poster 99: Eithne: A Framework for Benchmarking Micro-Core Accelerators
Poster 100: Comparison of Array Management Library Performance - A Neuroscience Use Case
Poster 101: Job Performance Overview of Apache Flink and Apache Spark Applications
Poster 102: Fast Training of an AI Radiologist: Leveraging Data Pipelining to Efficiently Utilize GPUs
Poster 103: LIKWID 5: Lightweight Performance Tools
Poster 104: An Adaptive Checkpoint Model For Large-Scale HPC Systems
Poster 105: Holistic Measurement Driven System Assessment
Poster 106: Optimizing Hybrid Access Virtual Memory System Using SCM/DRAM Unified Memory Management Unit
Poster 107: Exploring Interprocess Work Stealing for Balanced MPI Communication
Poster 108: Power Prediction for High-Performance Computing
Poster 109: A Runtime Approach for Dynamic Load Balancing of OpenMP Parallel Loops in LLVM
Poster 110: Hierarchical Data Prefetching in Multi-Tiered Storage Environments
Poster 111: Multiple HPC Environments-Aware Container Image Configuration for Bioinformatics Application
Poster 112: Building Complex Software Applications Inside Containers
Poster 113: Improvements Toward the Release of the Pavilion 2.0 Test Harness
Poster 114: Optimizing Recommendation System Inference Performance Based on GPU
Poster 115: sDNA: Software-Defined Network Accelerator Based on Optical Interconnection Architecture
Poster 116: Advancements in Ultrasound Simulations Enabled by High-Bandwidth GPU Interconnects
Poster 117: A New Polymorphic Computing Architecture Based on Fine-Grained Instruction Mobility
Poster 118: Self-Driving Reconfigurable Silicon Photonic Interconnects (Flex-LIONS) with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Poster 119: Toward Lattice QCD on Fugaku: SVE Compiler Studies and Micro-Benchmarks in the RIKEN Fugaku Processor Simulator
Poster 120: ILP-Based Scheduling for Linear-Tape Model Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers
Poster 121: HFlush: Realtime Flushing for Modern Storage Environments
Poster 122: Project 38: Accelerating Architecture Innovation into Fieldable Extreme-Scale Systems (A Cross-Agency Effort)
Poster 123: Cloud-Native SmartX Intelligence Cluster for AI-Inspired HPC/HPDA Workloads
Poster 124: Porting Finite State Automata Traversal from GPU to FPGA: Exploring the Implementation Space
Poster 125: Physics Informed Generative Adversarial Networks for Virtual Mechanical Testing
Poster 126: Enforcing Crash Consistency of Scientific Applications in Non-Volatile Main Memory Systems
Poster 127: sFlow Monitoring for Security and Reliability
Poster 128: Identifying Time Series Similarity in Large-Scale Earth System Datasets
Poster 129: Understanding I/O Behavior in Scientific Workflows on High Performance Computing Systems
Poster 130: Deep Learning-Based Feature-Aware Data Modeling for Complex Physics Simulations
Poster 131: Efficiency of Algorithmic Structures
Poster 132: Optimizing Performance at Runtime Using Binary Rewriting
Poster 133: Portable Resilience with Kokkos
Poster 134: Minimal-Precision Computing for High-Performance, Energy-Efficient, and Reliable Computations
Poster 135: High-Performance Deep Learning via a Single Building Block
Poster 136: CHAMELEON: Reactive Load Balancing and Migratable Tasks for Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Applications
Poster 137: Warwick Data Store: A HPC Library for Flexible Data Storage in Multi-Physics Applications
Poster 138: Across-Stack Profiling and Characterization of State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Models on GPUs
Poster 139: Model Identification of Pressure Drop in Membrane Channels with Multilayer Artificial Neural Networks
Poster 140: Toward Automatic Function Call Generation for Deep Learning
Poster 141: ExaGeoStatR: Harnessing HPC Capabilities for Large Scale Geospatial Modeling Using R
Poster 142: Training Deep Neural Networks Directly on Hundred-Million-Pixel Histopathology Images on a Large-Scale GPU Cluster
Poster 143: Quantum Natural Language Processing
Poster 144: Optimizing Asynchronous Multi-Level Checkpoint/Restart Configurations with Machine Learning
Poster 145: Improving Data Compression with Deep Predictive Neural Network for Time Evolutional Data
Poster 146: AI Matrix: A Deep Learning Benchmark for Alibaba Data Centers
Poster 147: Extremely Accelerated Deep Learning: ResNet-50 Training in 70.4 Seconds
Poster 148: Unsupervised Clustering of Golden Eagle Telemetry Data
Poster 149: Solving Phase-Field Equations in Space-Time: Adaptive Space-Time Meshes and Stabilized Variational Formulations
Poster 150: A Machine Learning Approach to Understanding HPC Application Performance Variation
Poster 151: Three-Dimensonal Characterization on Edge AI Processors with Object Detection Workloads
Poster 152: Deep Domain Adaptation for Runtime Prediction in Dynamic Workload Scheduler
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