HPC Impact Showcase Submissions
How to Submit
Upon Acceptance
How to Submit
The HPC Impact Showcase is a forum for presentations that highlight real-world HPC applications at companies, both large and small, that are currently employing HPC to advance their competitiveness in the global marketplace. Presentations should be designed to introduce attendees to the many ways HPC matters in the world. Rather than presenting a technical deep dive, they should be aimed at a non-expert audience interested in learning how companies are adopting and embracing HPC, how it is improving their businesses, and the resulting design, engineering, or manufacturing innovations. Each HPC Impact Showcase presentation is 30 minutes.
Preparing Your Submission
Your presentation information will be submitted via a web form (title; presenters, biographies, and photos; organization logo(s); a summary of no more than 250 words).
The presenter’s name should appear exactly as you want it to appear in the online SC schedule.
Where to Submit
HPC Impact Showcase proposals are submitted via the SC submissions website. View a sample submission form.
Review Criteria
HPC Impact Showcase proposals are reviewed by a committee of experts and are evaluated on the following criteria:
- Alignment of content aimed at a non-expert audience
- Demonstrated or potential impact of HPC
- Relevance of presented innovation(s)
All other factors, including order of submissions, will have no bearing on acceptance. Late submissions will be considered by exception only.
Conflict of Interest
Please review the SC Conference Conflict of Interest guidelines before submitting your proposal.
Please review the ACM guidelines on identifying plagiarism.
Upon Acceptance
All HPC Impact Showcase participants must register and pay for either the Technical Program, Exhibitor 24-hour Access, or Exhibits Hall Only. By submitting to the HPC Impact Showcase, you are making a commitment to register and attend the conference upon acceptance of your submission. Please refer to SC19 Registration for fees.
Finalizing Accepted HPC Impact Showcase Presentations
Your HPC Impact Showcase presentation will be included in the online SC schedule provided you upload your final presentation to the SC submissions website before September 30, 2019.
Schedule and Location
The HPC Impact Showcase will be held Tuesday–Thursday, November 19–21, 2019. Each HPC Impact Showcase presentation is 30 minutes. Please arrive at the room designated for your session at least 15 minutes before your presentation starts. Refer to the online SC Schedule to identify your presentation’s room number.
HPC Impact Showcase presentations are assigned either a classroom or a theater room equipped with standard AV facilities:
- Projector
- Microphone and podium
- Wireless lapel microphone and wireless handheld microphone
- Projection screen
Current SC Conference policies and procedures do not include the following in your session room:
- Poster boards
- Round tables
- Wired Ethernet connection
- Power strips on the tables or under the chairs
- Recording of your session
Questions about HPC Impact Showcase Submissions? Contact HPC Impact Showcase