Being part of the SC Conference enhances your career – whether you are presenting new research, showcasing innovative work or practices, helping teach the next generation, or competing for peak performance. The SC selection process is highly competitive and being selected is extremely rewarding. Submit your work to SC19!

Print, post, and share. Download our calls to participate (CFP):
SC19 CFP (2-page 8×25″, 3mb PDF)
Technical Program CFP (2-page 8.5×11″, 1.8mb PDF)
Technical Program CFP (1-page 8.5×11″, 1.4mb PDF)
Technical Program CFP (2-page A4, 1.8mb PDF)
Technical Program CFP (1-page A4, 1.4mb PDF)
Students@SC CFP (2-page 8.5×11″, 281kb PDF) 

Submissions information available beginning mid-December 2018. First submissions open January 1, 2019.
Submission Deadlines

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