Panel Submissions
How to Submit
Upon Acceptance
How to Submit
Panels create an opportunity for the community to engage in discussion on current HPC challenges and solutions. The goal of the Panels program is to gather diverse practitioners in sharing insightful perspectives, engaging the broader community in dialogue, and making concrete progress toward a specific collaborative goal. Each Panels session is 90 minutes.
Preparing Your Submission
Your panel information will be submitted via a web form (an abstract of no more than 150 words) and a file upload (a detailed description of your panel). The detailed description file upload should be one to two pages and should include the following:
- Panel title
- Detailed description of the panel topic or position statements by the panelists
- Explanation of why the panel will attract a good audience
- Explanation of why the audience will find the panel beneficial
- Points that address the review criteria listed below
Keywords & Phrases
In the web form, submitters are asked to choose at least one but not more than three from the list of keywords and phrases to describe their panel:
- Parallel programming methods, models, languages, and environments
- HPC software and runtime systems
- Reproducibility
- Architectures
- Use of compute accelerators
- Debugging and correctness tools
- Performance evaluation, scalability, and portability
- High-performance I/O, storage, archive, and file systems
- Applications and application frameworks
- Algorithms, numerical methods, and libraries
- Scalable data analytics and management
- AI, machine learning, and deep learning
- Scientific and information visualization
- Power use monitoring and optimization
- Systems administration and/or resource management of HPC systems
- Fault tolerance, reliability, maintainability, and adaptability
- Cloud, data center, and distributed computing
- High-performance networking
- Computer and network security
- Quantum computing
- Embedded and/or reconfigurable systems
- Collaborative environments and strategies
- HPC education
- “Hot topics” of current interest to the SC community
The names of the moderator and panelists should appear exactly as you want them to appear in the online SC schedule. The moderator and each panelist are expected to submit a short biography (maximum 150 words). An individual can be a member of at most two panels at SC19. Please check with your potential panelists before submitting a proposal – it is essential for the panel organizer to confirm that the people listed on the submission form agree to serve as panelists for the proposed session. Each listed panelist will receive an email upon completion of the panel submission. Be prepared to describe how you plan to create diversity among panelists with respect to topical background, institution type, geography, and demographic characteristics (e.g., seniority and gender).
Where to Submit
Panels are submitted via the SC submissions website. View a sample submission form.
Review Criteria
Panels are peer-reviewed by a committee of experts. Each panel proposal will have at least three reviewers. Panel reviews are single-blind: reviewers will see moderator and panelists names, but moderators and panelists will not see reviewer names. Panels are evaluated on the following criteria:
- Relevance and timeliness of the topic – Is this an issue that needs to be resolved now?
- Expectation of driving toward insight – Will the panel make a meaningful contribution to the state of the art and for the good of the supercomputing community?
- Credibility of panelists across dimensions of knowledge, experience, constructiveness, diversity – Diversity may be broadly construed to include topical, institutional, geographic, and demographic characteristics (e.g., seniority, gender). How is your panel representative of the current, or of an ideal, HPC community?
- Audience draw – Expectation of creating excitement and drawing an audience, as evidenced by relevance and participation in similar events (e.g., panels, workshops, conferences) at related venues.
- Approach – Effectiveness of prescribed approach in sharing and drawing out insights, including highlighting diverse perspectives (a little friendly controversy is often beneficial for discussion) and fostering and garnering audience participation. The submission should include a proposed agenda for the panel session.
- Clarity – The proposal should be clear, complete, and articulate.
Conflict of Interest
Please review the SC Conference Conflict of Interest guidelines before submitting your panel proposal.
Presenters are expected to develop and present an original panel (i.e., do not use someone else’s slide deck, course notes, etc.). If your panel has been presented previously, you must state how it will be updated for this conference year. Please review the ACM guidelines on identifying plagiarism.
Upon Acceptance
All Panels participants must register and pay for the Technical Program. Panel moderators and panelists do not receive free or discounted admission to any conference sessions. By submitting a panel proposal to SC, you are making a commitment to register for the Technical Program and attend the conference upon acceptance of your submission.
Finalizing Accepted Panels
Your panel information (title, abstract, and panelist bios) will be included in the online SC schedule. The panel moderator and panelists will be allowed to update this information within the SC submissions website until July 1, 2019.
Your panel information (title, abstract, and panelist bios) will be included in the SC19 Technical Program Archive and will be available for conference attendees.
Schedule and Location
Panels will be held Tuesday–Friday, November 19–22, 2019. Each panel session is 90 minutes. Please arrive at the room designated for the panel at least 15 minutes before the panel starts. Refer to the online SC Schedule to identify your panel’s room number. We ask the moderator and the panelists to leave the room at the end of the 90-minute session in order to allow time for the next panel organizers to set up.
Panels are assigned either a classroom or a theater room equipped with standard AV facilities:
- Projector
- Microphone and podium
- Wireless lapel microphone and wireless handheld microphone
- Projection screen
Current SC Conference policies and procedures do not include the following in your panel room:
- Poster boards
- Round tables
- Wired Ethernet connection
- Power strips on the tables or under the chairs
- Recording of your panel
Questions about Panel Submissions? Contact Panels