Tag: Christine Baissac-Hayden
Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and perspectives on topics related to SC and the upcoming conference throughout the year. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.
SCinet Student Volunteers Are Here! SC19 Set-up Has Started
Rajani Pingili, from Hyderabad, India, is a first-year PhD student majoring in Computer Science at Western Michigan University. Her mentor, Dr. Ajay Gupta, introduced her to the conference, and she was selected as a SCinet student volunteer for the first time this year. Pingili joined a group of 19 SCinet student volunteers that arrived in …
Prepping SCinet for SC19: Behind the Scenes with the SCinet Family
To prepare for SC19, this year’s SCinet Chair, Jim Stewart, Chief Technology Officer of the Utah Education and Telehealth Network, has been leading his team of 300 volunteers for over a year. That full year of hard work came together on October 21 when SCinet started its deployment to build the SC19 network in Denver. …
SCinet Help Students Prepare, Build, and Staff World’s Fastest Temporary Network
Students from throughout the planet collaborate with each other and advanced HPC professionals to build SCinet, the world’s fastest network during the SC conference. Before the conference begins students help install miles of fiber optic cable at the exhibit hall, configure wireless access point throughout the convention center, and connect the event to locations worldwide …
Student Cluster Competitors Thrive Despite Unforeseen Obstacles
Cliff hangers aren’t just the stuff of fiction and movies. Participants in the SC Student Cluster competition faced several real life glitches prior to and during the event in Dallas, Texas last year. Those challenges included sponsors who withdrew or didn’t show up and the failure of technology in the midst of the competition. But …
How International Students Navigate Funding and the SC Application Process
Students participating in SC face logistical challenges ranging from funding to the applications process and navigating the hundreds of exhibits in the exhibition hall. Three students from last year’s conference explain how their professors helped inform them of opportunities, write recommendations letters and secure funding. They also discuss the benefits of their participation such as …
A Pair of Passionate HPC Professionals Connect and Create Magic Through SC
Charles Powell is a dedicated physics and science teacher at Green Mountain High School in Lakewood, a suburb west of Denver. Six years ago, he was chosen to be a pilot teacher for AP Computer Science Principles at a time when only 40 schools were selected to implement this program. Powell also was president of …
WIN-ning Women Selected for Women in IT Networking at SC
Enabling Growth The Women in IT Networking at SC program, better known as WINS, was created to remedy the vast gender gap in Information Technology, particularly in network engineering and high-performance computing. When the program started in 2015, 13.93% of SC professional volunteers were women. By 2017, the number climbed to 20.97%. This upward trend …
A First-Time Student Volunteer Is Struck by HPC’s En-‘Lightning’ Possibilities
Meet Julia Julia Milani, a third-year student majoring in computer science at Universidade Federal de São Carlos in Brazil, participated in the HPC for Undergraduates program at SC17. So, becoming a “first-time” student volunteer for SC18 actually marked her second SC conference experience. Struck by Lightning (Talks and Demos) While at SC18, Julia particularly …
Stephen Herbein Keeps His SC Conference Connection Thriving
Stephen Gets Acquainted with SC as a First-Time Student Volunteer In 2012, Stephen Herbein joined Michela Taufer’s lab at the University of Delaware and one of the first things she had him do was apply to be a student volunteer for the SC12 conference. He was selected upon his first application. For Stephen, this was …
A Teachable Moment: Henricus Bouwmeester
Students From MSU Denver Get Their Inspirational ‘Spark’ at SC Conference Henricus Bouwmeester, an assistant professor at the Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) in the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, had a “teacher” moment when he brought some of his students to the SC17 conference in Denver. “I saw the spark that …