Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and perspectives on topics related to SC and the upcoming conference throughout the year. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.

Post-Conference Resources and Gratitude from SC19 General Chair Michela Taufer

  Thank You for Attending SC19! At this year’s conference, we not only learned the latest discoveries in our evolving field – but also celebrated the countless ways in which HPC is improving our lives … our communities … our world. So many people worked together to make SC19 possible – more than: 780 volunteers,

SC19 October Need to Know: Early Bird Registration Deadline; Hotel Additions; Student Headquarters; SCC Reproducibility Challenge; SC Store and Collectables

  Six Weeks to Register, Two Weeks to Save, and More Hotels SC19 will be happening in just six short weeks! Our volunteers and presenters are excited to share everything we’ve been working hard to put together for the HPC community. Register on or before Wednesday, October 16 to save, but know that you can

SC19 August Need to Know: Smart Cities, ToTA Announcement, Tech Papers in the Schedule, Exhibitor Opportunities, Support for Student Travel

Smart Cities: Computing at the Edge You’ve probably heard the hype around connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), but do you know how much of a role HPC plays in making dreams of self-driving cars into reality? Or how researchers in the fields of edge computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and big data

SC19 July Need to Know: Registration Opens July 11; Preparations Under Way to Announce Full Schedule; Welcoming Families at SC19; Student Opportunities

Summer is heating up, and so are our preparations for SC19! We are just over halfway to the event and getting excited to break new records this year in Denver.   Register for SC19 on July 11 and Save When you register for SC19, you’re gaining the opportunity to hear from and converse with the

SC19 June Need to Know: Food Production & HPC, Free Proceedings, SC22 Chair Nominations, Major June Announcements, SCinet Spring Cleaning, Submissions & Nominations Deadlines

June’s Theme: Food Production and HPC When you imagine where your food comes from, I’m willing to bet that data centers and high performance computing are not in your immediate stockpile of images about how what you eat gets from the field to the table. Increasingly, though, these technologies ensure that you are able to

SC19 May Need to Know: Hotel Blocks Open Now, Student Opportunity Deadlines Approaching, Nominate the Best in HPC, Paper Selection Under Way

It’s Time to Find a Place to Stay Hotel block access opened May 1 and rooms will go fast. Book yours today! Note that onPeak is the only authorized contractor for arranging hotel rooms for SC19. If you are contacted by travel agents or other organizations who say they are speaking on behalf of SC19,

SC19 April Need to Know: Precision Health & ‘HPC Is Now’, Job Fair Highlights, Workshops Schedule Coming Soon, Tech Party Reveal, Book Your Hotel May 1

  April’s Theme: Precision Medicine Healthcare is becoming increasingly precise in its ability to tackle diseases, especially various manifestations of disease in specific individuals. Sophisticated large-scale analysis supported by HPC is often the backbone of this precision health research, and with that exciting work in mind, we turn our focus for April’s posts to precision

SC19 March Need to Know: Paper Submissions Open, Apply to WINS; Start Planning Your Awards Nominations; Workshop Submissions Review in Progress; Volunteers Explore Colorado Convention Center

Spring is almost here, and SC19 is blooming with submission and nomination opportunities, upcoming deadlines, and dedicated volunteer activity.   Papers, Papers, Papers! We know how eagerly everyone awaits the Papers submission window each year. You’ll be happy to know that window opened on March 1, which gives you just about a month before the

SC19 February Need to Know: Big Tech Program Submissions Open, Keep Up with Tech Program Enhancements, Become a Student Volunteer, Apply for the Student Cluster Competition

Welcome once more to those of you who read the January blog update and warm greetings to our new readers. As the path to SC19 unfolds, we hope more attendees will turn to this monthly summary for information about important dates and behind-the-scenes snapshots. If you’re new and want to catch up on past blog

SC19 January Need to Know: Workshops Open, New Track Added, Reproducibility Enhancements, and Volunteers in Full Swing for Planning

As computers and networks become faster and enable better science, it is the HPC community that will drive how that science shapes our world. The SC Conference Series has always served as a way to connect the HPC community, and SC19 will be no different. SC19 is about what’s happening in the world of HPC

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