Tag: Rich Finlinson
Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and perspectives on topics related to SC and the upcoming conference throughout the year. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.
New SC Theater to Showcase Live Presentations That Advance Modern Data-Driven Scientific Applications
How well do high-performance networking and the theater work together? We’re not talking broadway here, but the new SC Theater will debut during the Grand Opening Gala Reception, Monday, November 18, 7–9 pm. The SC Theater, with seating for 20 and standing room as well, is located next to SCinet on the exhibit floor. It …
Real-Time Analysis of Streaming Synchrotron Data Technology Challenge Demo May Impact Electronics and Pharmaceuticals
Technology Challenge Is New for SC19 Whether it’s the battery in your smartphone, or a prescription in your medicine cabinet, the SC19 Technology Challenge involves large scale research that may impact your daily life. Examples include increasingly complex experiments using the Advanced Photon Source Facility (APS) generating huge amounts of data that may exceed …
SCinet Help Students Prepare, Build, and Staff World’s Fastest Temporary Network
Students from throughout the planet collaborate with each other and advanced HPC professionals to build SCinet, the world’s fastest network during the SC conference. Before the conference begins students help install miles of fiber optic cable at the exhibit hall, configure wireless access point throughout the convention center, and connect the event to locations worldwide …
Student Cluster Competitors Thrive Despite Unforeseen Obstacles
Cliff hangers aren’t just the stuff of fiction and movies. Participants in the SC Student Cluster competition faced several real life glitches prior to and during the event in Dallas, Texas last year. Those challenges included sponsors who withdrew or didn’t show up and the failure of technology in the midst of the competition. But …
How International Students Navigate Funding and the SC Application Process
Students participating in SC face logistical challenges ranging from funding to the applications process and navigating the hundreds of exhibits in the exhibition hall. Three students from last year’s conference explain how their professors helped inform them of opportunities, write recommendations letters and secure funding. They also discuss the benefits of their participation such as …
SCinet Seeks Network Research Exhibition Proposals for Cutting-Edge Network Demos and Experiments at SC19
The May 31, 2019 Deadline for Abstracts Is Fast Approaching SC19, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking Storage, and Analysis, welcomes Network Research Exhibition (NRE) submissions for the November event in Denver, Colorado. If you are a leader in high performance networking, submit a proposal to the SCinet NRE. Submissions are open to …