Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and perspectives on topics related to SC and the upcoming conference throughout the year. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.

SC19 October Need to Know: Early Bird Registration Deadline; Hotel Additions; Student Headquarters; SCC Reproducibility Challenge; SC Store and Collectables

  Six Weeks to Register, Two Weeks to Save, and More Hotels SC19 will be happening in just six short weeks! Our volunteers and presenters are excited to share everything we’ve been working hard to put together for the HPC community. Register on or before Wednesday, October 16 to save, but know that you can

September Need to Know: HPC Impacts Across Domains; Keynote Announced and Program Finalized; Gordon Bell Award Finalists Named; Mobile App Coming Soon; Early Registration Period Running Out

  Don’t Miss Out on Registration Savings We can’t believe it either, but SC19 truly is right around the corner, which means your chance for early bird registration is slipping away. Register before October 16 to save up to $300.   HPC Is Now: Predicting and Mitigating the Impact of Catastrophes What do earthquakes and

SC19 August Need to Know: Smart Cities, ToTA Announcement, Tech Papers in the Schedule, Exhibitor Opportunities, Support for Student Travel

Smart Cities: Computing at the Edge You’ve probably heard the hype around connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), but do you know how much of a role HPC plays in making dreams of self-driving cars into reality? Or how researchers in the fields of edge computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and big data

SC19 July Need to Know: Registration Opens July 11; Preparations Under Way to Announce Full Schedule; Welcoming Families at SC19; Student Opportunities

Summer is heating up, and so are our preparations for SC19! We are just over halfway to the event and getting excited to break new records this year in Denver.   Register for SC19 on July 11 and Save When you register for SC19, you’re gaining the opportunity to hear from and converse with the

Add Tutorials to Your Sunday and Monday Schedule at SC19

Every year the SC conference creates a competitive package of tutorials to introduce SC attendees to traditional and emerging topics in HPC. This year, 23 full-day and 14 half-day tutorials were selected by the Tutorials Committee, continuing the SC tradition of offering one of the largest tutorials programs of any HPC conference. Tutorials are an

Workshops Run the Show on Sunday, Monday, and Friday at SC19

The SC19 Workshops Schedule Is Live! With the help of an outstanding workshop program committee, we have selected 36 workshops (25 full-day and 11 half-day) that will run the show on Sunday, Monday, and Friday. These topical workshops are bringing together hardware and software trends spanning various subjects including data analysis, visualization, machine learning for

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