Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and perspectives on topics related to SC and the upcoming conference throughout the year. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.

SC19 October Need to Know: Early Bird Registration Deadline; Hotel Additions; Student Headquarters; SCC Reproducibility Challenge; SC Store and Collectables

  Six Weeks to Register, Two Weeks to Save, and More Hotels SC19 will be happening in just six short weeks! Our volunteers and presenters are excited to share everything we’ve been working hard to put together for the HPC community. Register on or before Wednesday, October 16 to save, but know that you can

Student Cluster Competitors Thrive Despite Unforeseen Obstacles

Cliff hangers aren’t just the stuff of fiction and movies. Participants in the SC Student Cluster competition faced several real life glitches prior to and during the event in Dallas, Texas last year. Those challenges included sponsors who withdrew or didn’t show up and the failure of technology in the midst of the competition. But

Teams Named for SC19 Student Cluster Competition

Competitors Represent Growing Diversity, International Interest This year’s competitors for the Student Cluster Competition (SCC), showcase a mix of new and returning talent. From of a pool of 30 applicants, 13 teams were selected to compete, where they will be joined by last year’s SCC winners, Tsinghua University (China), along with the Asian Supercomputing Challenge

From SC Papers to Student Cluster Competition Benchmarks: Joining Forces to Promote Reproducibility in HPC

The tradition of collaboration between the Technical Program and Students@SC is stronger than ever at SC19. This year we mark the fourth Reproducibility Challenge in the Student Cluster Competition (SCC) that brings together these two conference components to select a paper from SC18 and adapt its artifacts to become one of the SC19 SCC benchmarks.

Student Cluster Competition Success Story: Meiru Hao

Meiru Hao Shines Like a ‘Supernova’ During the SC18 Student Cluster Competition As a member of Team Supernova, Meiru Hao, a fourth-year student from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, helped her team shine—even when they were faced with failing servers during the SC18 Student Cluster Competition. Despite the drama, the team came in second

SC19 February Need to Know: Big Tech Program Submissions Open, Keep Up with Tech Program Enhancements, Become a Student Volunteer, Apply for the Student Cluster Competition

Welcome once more to those of you who read the January blog update and warm greetings to our new readers. As the path to SC19 unfolds, we hope more attendees will turn to this monthly summary for information about important dates and behind-the-scenes snapshots. If you’re new and want to catch up on past blog

Parallel Tracks: From Student to Student Volunteer Chair, from Undergrad to Doctoral Candidate

Christine Harvey Finds SC Conference a Good Route for Advancing Her Career and Education   Traveling to the SC10 conference in New Orleans made quite an impression on Christine Harvey – it was the first time she had ever flown on a plane. Her university had received an award which they used to send four

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