Registration Requirements

Media registration and credentials requests are reserved for writers, editors, and active contributors to, or employees of, a publication, news organization, or digital news outlet, and to industry analysts and freelance journalists.

Please note that public relations, marketing, or sales professionals do not qualify for media registration or press badges. Additionally, videographers working for exhibitors, book authors, consultants, etc. do not meet the requirements for media registration. Approval in a previous year does not guarantee approval for the current year.

All media registration requests must be approved by conference management and are subject to revocation.

Print Media, News Wires, News Management Services, Online Media, and Freelance Journalists

Writers, editors, and contributors to print media, news wires, news management services, online media, or freelance journalists must provide a business card that clearly displays their name and organization name; or a current masthead that clearly displays their name and organization name; or a link to their profile on their media outlet’s public website. They must also provide a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization or three industry-related bylined articles published within the last 12 months.

Broadcast Media (Radio and Television)

Broadcast media professionals must provide a business card that clearly displays their their name and organization name; or a current masthead that clearly displays their name and organization name; or a link to their profile on the media outlet’s public website. They must also provide a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization or three industry-related radio or television segments aired within the last 12 months.

Podcasts and Blogs

Contributors to and producers of podcasts and blogs must provide a link to the podcast or blog that contains industry-related content. (Personal or company podcasts and blogs are not accepted.) They must also provide a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization or three industry-related podcasts or blog posts from an established media outlet published within the last 12 months.


Analysts must provide a business card that clearly displays their name and organization name, or a current masthead that clearly displays their name and organization name. They must also provide a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization or two white papers or analytical product reviews published within the last 12 months.

Conference Etiquette

Media/analysts are only permitted in the Exhibition during open hours. In addition, filming or recording in technical sessions (including the Keynote and the Plenary Session) is restricted. Violation of any SC policy could result in the revocation of your media credentials. Additionally, you are expected to abide by the official SC Code of Conduct.


Reduce the price of attending the conference with early registration and/or membership in ACM or IEEE. Please note that conference attendees, exhibitors, and members of the media each have their own registration link.

All media registration requests must be approved by conference management and are subject to revocation.

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