Scalable Generation of Graphs for Benchmarking HPC Community-Detection Algorithms
Event Type
Registration Categories
Graph Algorithms
Parallel Application Frameworks
Scalable Computing
TimeThursday, 21 November 20192pm - 2:30pm
DescriptionCommunity detection in graphs is a canonical social network analysis method. We consider the problem of generating suites of terascale synthetic social networks to compare the solution quality of parallel community-detection methods. The standard method, based on the graph generator of Lancichinetti, Fortunato, and Radicchi (LFR), has been used extensively for modest-scale graphs, but has inherent scalability limitations.

We provide an alternative, based on the scalable Block Two-Level Erdos-Renyi (BTER) graph generator, that enables HPC-scale evaluation of solution quality in the style of LFR. Our approach varies community coherence, and retains other important properties. Our methods can scale real-world networks, e.g., to create a version of the Friendster network that is 512 times larger. With BTER's inherent scalability, we can generate a 15-terabyte graph (4.6B vertices, 925B edges) in just over one minute. We demonstrate our capability by showing that label-propagation community-detection algorithm can be strong-scaled with negligible solution-quality loss.
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