Keynote 1: Exascale Application Progress and Challenges
Event Type
Scalable Computing
TimeMonday, 18 November 20199:01am - 10am
DescriptionFor exascale applications under development in the U.S Department of Energy (DOE) Exascale Computing Project (ECP), they are charged with delivering comprehensive science-based computational applications that effectively exploit exascale HPC technologies to provide breakthrough modeling and simulation and data science solutions. These solutions must yield high-confidence insights and answers to our Nation’s most critical problems and challenges in scientific discovery, energy assurance, economic competitiveness, health enhancement, and national security.
Exascale applications (and their companion co-designed computational motifs) are a foundational element of the ECP and are the vehicle for delivery of consequential solutions and insight from exascale systems. The breadth of these applications runs the gamut: chemistry and materials; energy production and transmission; earth and space science; data analytics and optimization; and national security. Each ECP application is focused on targeted development to address a unique mission challenge problem, i.e., one that possesses solution amenable to simulation insight, represents a strategic problem important to a DOE mission program, and is currently intractable without the computational power of exascale. Any tangible progress requires close coordination between exascale application and software ecosystem development to adequately address the application development challenges currently encountered in the ECP: flat performance profiles; strong scaling; understanding accelerator performance; choice of programming model; selecting math models to fit architectures; and software dependencies.
Each ECP application possesses a unique development plan base on its requirements-based combination of physical model enhancements and additions, algorithm innovations and improvements, and software architecture design and implementation. Illustrative examples of these development activities will be given along with results achieved to date on existing DOE supercomputers such as the Summit system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Exascale applications (and their companion co-designed computational motifs) are a foundational element of the ECP and are the vehicle for delivery of consequential solutions and insight from exascale systems. The breadth of these applications runs the gamut: chemistry and materials; energy production and transmission; earth and space science; data analytics and optimization; and national security. Each ECP application is focused on targeted development to address a unique mission challenge problem, i.e., one that possesses solution amenable to simulation insight, represents a strategic problem important to a DOE mission program, and is currently intractable without the computational power of exascale. Any tangible progress requires close coordination between exascale application and software ecosystem development to adequately address the application development challenges currently encountered in the ECP: flat performance profiles; strong scaling; understanding accelerator performance; choice of programming model; selecting math models to fit architectures; and software dependencies.
Each ECP application possesses a unique development plan base on its requirements-based combination of physical model enhancements and additions, algorithm innovations and improvements, and software architecture design and implementation. Illustrative examples of these development activities will be given along with results achieved to date on existing DOE supercomputers such as the Summit system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.