Ann Gentile

Ann Gentile is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. Her research interests are in HPC Monitoring and Analysis and in Adaptive Dynamic Systems based on system and application monitoring data. Ann is Sandia’s Advanced Technologies Systems (ATS) Operations Lead, representing Sandia's operations on various technical advisory teams. She is a co-developer of the R&D 100 award-winning Lightweight Distributed Metric Service (LDMS) which is included in the NNSA Tri-lab Operating System Stack (TOSS) and is deployed at large-scale HPC sites within the NNSA, Office of Science, and NSF, as well as others internationally. Ann is active in building the HPC Monitoring community via activities such as the Coordinating Chair of the Workshop on Monitoring and Analysis of HPC Systems Plus Applications (HPCMASPA) and the customer lead of the Cray System Monitoring Working Group.