Sarvani Chadalapaka

Sarvani Chadalapaka is WHPC’s Mentoring Programme Director as well as the HPC Administrator with OIT at the University of California, Merced. In her current role at UC Merced, she enables researchers affiliated with UC Merced to use campus-wide and regional HPC resources, as well as managing the hardware and software of MERCED Cluster (NSF Award #1429783). As an XSEDE Campus Champion, she participates in Campus Champion information sharing sessions and acts as a bridge between the local campus and XSEDE resources. Every week, Sarvani facilitates a hands-on HPC clinic where users can get one-on-one help and engage in peer mentoring. She is a recipient of Internet2 Inclusivity Initiative Award in Recognition of Carrie Regenstein, UCCSC’s community award for Research IT, received scholarships by CEE-Broadening Participation Program for PEARC. Sarvani holds a masters degree in electrical engineering from UT-Arlington and bachelors degree in electronics and communication engineering from India.
Career Development
Community Engagement
Women in HPC