François Févotte graduated in 2008 with a PhD in applied mathematics from the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), where he worked on numerical methods for the simulation of neutron transport phenomena in nuclear reactors. Shortly thereafter, he joined a team dedicated to numerical analysis and modeling in the R&D division of EDF (France's main electric utility), where he specialized in the development of state-of-the-art numerical method for high-performance solvers. Within the EDF "Performance and Quality of Simulations" project, François Févotte is in charge of the advanced methods and exploratory topics. His development activities led him to study the numerical issues related to the use of Floating-Point arithmetic, particularly in industrial, HPC contexts. With Bruno Lathuilière, he started developing in 2014 the Verrou tool, which helps developers tackle the Floating-Point-related issues in their simulation codes. In 2019, he co-founded TriScale innov, a start-up aiming at promoting the use of applied mathematics and HPC techniques in industrial contexts.
Floating Point
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