
Buseung Cho is a Senior Researcher at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), where he manages KREONET, Korea’s national research network, and KRLight, Korea’s international network exchange, and organizes Korea’s global science network, which includes LHCOPN/LHCONE, the Korea e-VLBI network (KVN), KISTI’s Supercomputing network, and the KSTAR global network. He also served as the Director of KREONET Department in the KISTI Supercomputing Division from 2015-2017 and established the first 100Gbps research network in the Asia Pacific Region. He was a partner in the NSF-funded IRNC GLORIAD project (2005-2016), and Co-PI of the NSF IRNC InSight Advanced Performance Measurement System project (2015-2017). He is an Assistant Professor of Data and High-Performance Computing Science at the University of Science and Technology, KISTI campus. Research interests include international research networking, knowledge-based network management, optical networks, Future Internet, future network operation, and Software-Defined Networks / Network Function Virtualization (SDN/NFV).
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