Exhibitor Housing
Exhibitor Housing
All SC19 hotels are located in downtown Denver, with thousands of rooms within walking distance of the Colorado Convention Center. The conference assists exhibitors who need blocks of 10+ rooms through a special early-request process. Companies holding signed agreements with SC19 are invited to submit early sleeping room block requests; details are emailed to the primary exhibitor contact. Sleeping room blocks are allocated according to each company’s accumulated “SC exhibitor priority points.”
Remember that SC-arranged hotel rooms are popular. Once the housing website opens for general attendees, the hotels near the Colorado Convention Center will fill quickly. So plan to make your reservations early!
There may be a penalty for requesting room blocks and then not using them. Deadlines and details will be provided to all exhibitors holding a signed agreement with SC19.
SC19 has only one authorized contractor for arranging hotel rooms: onPeak. The conference is not responsible for hotels or rates offered by travel agents or other organizations who say they are speaking on behalf of SC19. To avoid potential problems with your reservation, please be sure to use the forms distributed by onPeak.
Exhibitor Function Space
SC holds all function space in all major hotels located within walking distance of the convention center. The space is made available to contracted exhibitors through a process that begins in January of the conference year. For companies that also submit a sleeping room block request, we attempt to locate as many of those rooms as possible within the same hotel.
There is no charge for space rental for function space obtained in this way (since it is covered by the SC contracts), but it is expected that the exhibitor will purchase catering and/or AV through the hotel. Assignments are made according to each company’s accumulated “SC exhibitor priority points” and past history of usage.
There may be a penalty for reserving function space and then not using it. Deadlines and details will be provided to all exhibitors holding signed agreements with SC19.
Remember that SC-arranged function space is popular. Most of the “best” locations will be allocated before March, so plan to get your requests in on time!
Important Deadlines
January 2, 2019 – Requests open for early-assignment exhibitor room blocks
January 2, 2019 – Requests open for hotel meeting room and function space for exhibitors
January 25, 2019 – Requests close for early-assignment exhibitor room blocks
January 25, 2019 – Requests close for hotel meeting room and function space for exhibitors
February 18–March 1, 2019 – Exhibitors receive hotel meeting room and function space allocations
March 18–29, 2019 – Exhibitors receive room block allocations
September 13, 2019 – Occupancy lists due for exhibitor housing blocks