SCinet for Exhibitors
SCinet supports the revolutionary applications and experiments that are a hallmark of the SC Conference and enables exhibitors to demonstrate the advanced computing capabilities of their solutions and services, whether in large-scale or one-on-one demonstrations.
SCinet offers free WiFi services along with 1, 10, and 100 gigabit Ethernet connections to support demonstrations, business meetings, and other events that exhibitors host in their booths. At
SC18, exhibitors used the advanced capabilities of SCinet to facilitate more than 35 experiments and demonstrations as part of the Network Research Exhibition. From virtual reality particle physics to impromptu big data sharing through data transfer node experiments, these one-of-a-kind demos are made possible by partnering with SCinet.
Learn more about the resources available to exhibitors below, including how to make network requests, the network policy, and how to participate in the Network Research Exhibition and SCinet Contributor Program.
Important Dates
Exhibitor Booth Connections
July 12, 2019 – SCinet Connection Request System (CRS) opens (for exhibitor booths)
October 5, 2019 – SCinet CRS late fees imposed
October 18, 2019 – SCinet CRS requests accepted on best-effort basis
November 7, 2019 – SCinet CRS cancellation/refund deadline
Exhibitor Opportunities to Participate in the SCinet Contributor Program
July 12, 2019 – SCinet Contributor Intent to Participate deadline
July 19, 2019 – SCinet Contributor Bill of Materials & Liability Waivers due