Congratulations to the SC and Society Awardees for SC19 in Denver
The SC Awards and selected ACM and IEEE awards were presented on Thursday, November 21 in Denver. Click through the award titles with an arrow for more information on the awardees. Visit the the SC19 photo archive (select the Awards Ceremony gallery) for photos of the acceptance ceremony at SC19. Congratulations to all of this year’s awardees!
Society Awards
ACM Gordon Bell Prize
“A Data-Centric Approach to Extreme-Scale Ab initio Dissipative Quantum Transport Simulations”, Alexandros Nikolaos Ziogas, Tal Ben-Nun, Guillermo Indalecio Fernández , Timo Schneider, Mathieu Luisier, Torsten Hoefler
ACM Student Research Competition Award (Graduate)
First Place
“perf-taint: Taint Analysis for Automatic Many-Parameter Performance Modeling”; Marcin Copik, ETH ZurichÍ; Torsten Hoefler (Advisor), ETH Zurich
Second Place
“Data Reuse Analysis for GPU Offloading Using OpenMP”; Alok Mishra, Stony Brook University; Barbara Chapman (Advisor), Stony Brook University
Third Place
“Fingerprinting Anomalous Computation with RNN for GPU-Accelerated HPC Machines”; Pengfei Zou, Clemson University; Rong Ge (Advisor), Clemson University
ACM Student Research Competition Award (Undergraduate)
First Place
“A Deep Learning Approach to Noise Prediction and Circuit Optimization for Near-Term Quantum Devices”; Alexander Zlokapa, California Institute of Technology; Alexandru Gheorghiu (Advisor), California Institute of Technology
Second Place
“Walking the Cost-Accuracy Tightrope: Balancing Trade-Offs in Data-Intensive Genomics”; Kathryn Leung, Princeton University; Meghan Kimball, Princeton University; Kyle Chard (Mentor), University of Chicago
Third Place
“Early Experiences on OpenPOWER Architecture: Analysis of Billion-Scale Atomistic Datasets”; Yuya Kawakami, Grinnell College/Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Benjamín Hernández (Mentor), Oak Ridge National Laboratory
ACM SIGHPC Certificate of Appreciation
Presented to the authors of the SC18 paper selected for the SC19 Student Cluster Competition Reproducibility Initiative.
“Computing Planetary Interior Normal Modes with a Highly Parallel Polynomial Filtering Eigensolver”; Jia Shi, Rice University; Ruipeng Li, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Yuanzhe Xi and Yousef Saad, University of Minnesota; Maarten V. de Hoop, Rice University
ACM SIGHPC Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing Award
Trilce Estrada, University of New Mexico
ACM SIGHPC/Intel Fellowships in Computational and Data Science
Mariela Faykoo-Martinez, University of Toronto
Cynthia Garcia-Eidell, University of Illinois at Chicago
Brienna Herold, University of Minnesota
Monsurat Olaosebikan, Tufts University
Luana Pontes Ferreira, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Isabela Quintela Matos, Cornell University
ACM/IEEE-CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship
Milinda Fernando, University of Utah
Staci Smith, University of Arizona
ACM/IEEE-CS Ken Kennedy Award
Professor Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University
IEEE-CS Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award
Dr. David Kirk, Independent Consultant & Advisor (formerly of NVIDIA)
IEEE-CS Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award
Professor Alan Edelman, MIT
IEEE-CS TCHPC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High Performance Computing
Dr. Yufei Ding, University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Xu Liu, College of William & Mary
Dr. Guillaume Aupy Pallez, Inria Bordeaux
SC Awards
SC Test of Time Award
“Benchmarking GPUs to Tune Dense Linear Algebra” (Published at SC08), James Demmel and Vasily Volkov
SC Best Paper Award
“A Massively Parallel Infrastructure for Adaptive Multiscale Simulations: Modeling RAS Initiation Pathway for Cancer”, Francesco Di Natale, Harsh Bhatia, Timothy S. Carpenter, Chris Neale, Sara Kokkila Schumacher, Tomas Oppelstrup, Liam Stanton, Xiaohua Zhang, Shiv Sundram, Thomas R. W. Scogland, Gautham Dharuman, Michael P. Surh, Yue Yang, Claudia Misale, Lars Schneidenbach, Carlos Costa, Changhoan Kim, Bruce D’Amora, Sandrasegaram Gnanakaran, Dwight V. Nissley, Fred Streitz, Felice C. Lightstone, Peer-Timo Bremer, James N. Glosli, Helgi I. Ingolfsson
SC Best Research Poster Award
“Nanoporous Flow Simulations on the Summit Supercomputer”, Yidong Xia, Lixiang Luo, Ansel Blumers, Joshua Kane, Jan Goral, Yu-Hang Tang, Zhen Li, Hai Huang, Milind Deo
SC Best Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Showcase Award
“An Accessible Visual Narrative for the Primary Energy Source of Life from the Fulldome Show Birth of Planet Earth”, Melih Sener, Stuart Levy, AJ Christensen, Robert Patterson, Kalina Borkiewicz, John E. Stone, Barry Isralewitz, Jeffrey Carpenter, Donna Cox
SC Best Student Paper Award
“Red-Blue Pebbling Revisited: Near Optimal Parallel Matrix Multiplication”, Grzegorz Kwasniewski, Marko Kabic, Maciej Besta, Raffaele Solca, Joost VandeVondele, Torsten Hoefler
SC Student Cluster Competition Awards
Overall Winner
Tsinghua University, China; Shengqi Chen, Liyan Zheng, Kezhao, Huang, Jiaao He, Chenggang Zhao, Chen Zhang (Students), Jidong Zhai (Advisor)
Highest Linpack Benchmark
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Shanlan Li, Puay Hiang Goh, Zhiwei Chen, Shengjing Zhang, Youlin Shen (Students), Professor Bu Sung Lee (Advisor)
Jack Dongarra, SC19 Awards Chair, University of Tennessee